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June 22, 2020 to July 2, 2020
US/Central timezone

SANDD: The development of a highly-segmented plastic-scintillator antineutrino directional detector incorporating SiPM arrays

Not scheduled


Viacheslav Li (Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory)


Pulse-shape-discriminating plastic scintillator doped with Li-6, may lead the way to a next generation of reactor-antineutrino detectors --- with particle ID and position sensitivity enhanced by segmentation. This poster highlights the development of these features as the first step towards a Segmented AntiNeutrino Directional Detector (called SANDD). We constructed and tested a module of the SANDD containing an 8x8 array of ~5mm x 5mm rods instrumented with two 64-channel Silicon PhotoMultiplier (SiPM) arrays to demonstrate pulse-shape discrimination for the first time over all 128 channels of a SiPM-based photon readout, enabling neutron/gamma-ray discrimination throughout the volume.


Novel Li-6 doped plastic scintillator shows promise for directional reactor-antineutrino detection.

Experiment/Collaboration SANDD

Primary author

Viacheslav Li (Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory)


Andrew Mabe (Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory) Edward Reedy (Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory) Ms Felicia Sutanto (University of Michigan) Igor Jovanovic (University of Michigan) Mark Duvall (University of Hawaii) Dr Steven Dazeley (Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory) Timothy Classen (Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory)

Presentation materials