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22 June 2020 to 2 July 2020
US/Central timezone

Search for a neutrino counterpart to the HAWC 2-year gamma-ray catalog with the ANTARES telescope

Not scheduled


Dr Giovanna Ferrara (INFN-LNS)


ANTARES is a neutrino telescope located in the Northern hemisphere, in the Mediterranean Sea. Due to its geographical location, reconstruction accuracy for all-flavor neutrino interactions and low energy threshold for neutrino detection, the ANTARES observatory can monitor with large exposure the Southern sky, and study neutrino source candidates in the Galactic plane.

The HAWC experiment is a water Cherenkov detector located in Mexico. It observes the very-high- energy gamma-ray sky with large exposure and field of view, performing a high-sensitivity survey. The current ANTARES dataset, which covers ten years of data, is used to search for all-flavor neutrino emission in correlation with the gamma-ray map resulting from the HAWC catalog. The preliminary results of this analysis are presented.


Ten years of ANTARES data are used to probe the neutrino emissions from the HAWC gamma-ray sky maps.

Experiment/Collaboration ANTARES

Primary author

Dr Giovanna Ferrara (INFN-LNS)


Dr Luigi Antonio Fusco (CNRS, CPPM Marseille)

Presentation materials