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22–24 Jul 2019
US/Central timezone


Session 2

22 Jul 2019, 10:10
1 West (Fermilab)

1 West



Session 2: Existing and new Facilities

  • Brennan Goddard (CERN)

Presentation materials

There are no materials yet.
Denton Morris (Fermilab)
22/07/2019, 10:10
Matthew Fraser (CERN)
22/07/2019, 10:40
Prof. Masahito Tomizawa (KEK/J-PARC)
22/07/2019, 11:00
Kevin Brown (Brookhaven National Laboratory)
22/07/2019, 11:30
Marco Pullia (CNAO)
22/07/2019, 12:00
Prof. Koji Noda (QST)
22/07/2019, 12:30
Building timetable...