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2–5 Oct 2019
University of Pittsburgh
US/Eastern timezone

Contribution List

28 / 28
02/10/2019, 08:00
Gregory Pawloski (University of Minnesota)
02/10/2019, 14:00
03/10/2019, 09:00
Dr Minoo Kabirnezhad (Oxford University)
03/10/2019, 09:40
Dr Natalie Jachowicz (Ghent University)
03/10/2019, 10:20
Dr Juan Nieves (IFIC (CSIC-UV))
03/10/2019, 11:30
Dr Toru Sato (Osaka University)
03/10/2019, 12:10
Jorge Morfin (Fermilab)
03/10/2019, 15:50
Mr Alexis Nikolakopoulos (UGent)
03/10/2019, 16:20
Prof. Ulrich Mosel (Universitaet Giessen)
04/10/2019, 09:00
Christophe Bronner (Kavli IPMU, Tokyo University)
04/10/2019, 10:50
Mr Kajetan Niewczas (Ghent University)
04/10/2019, 11:30
Lawrence Weinstein (Old Dominion University)
04/10/2019, 14:00
Jake Calcutt (Michigan State University)
04/10/2019, 14:40
05/10/2019, 09:00
Prof. Daniel Cherdack
05/10/2019, 09:40
Dr Leonidas Aliaga Soplin (Fermilab)
05/10/2019, 10:50
Dr Kirsty Duffy (Fermilab)
05/10/2019, 11:30
Dr Paola Sala (INFN Milano and CERN)
Dr Jonathan Paley (Fermilab)