28 May 2019 to 4 June 2019
US/Central timezone

David Christian

I graduated from Yale University (BS) in 1976 and Johns Hopkins University (PhD) in 1983.  I joined Fermilab as an RA in the fall of 1982 and have worked here since.  I was a Wilson Fellow and am now a Scientist II. I have worked on a variety of Fermilab fixed target experiments (most recently the SeaQuest Drell Yan experiment) and on CMS.  I was spokesperson for E862, which observed the production of atomic antihydrogen in relativistic antiproton-hydrogen interactions.  For much of my career I focused on the development of detector technology and detector electronics. I have collaborated closely with members of the Fermilab ASIC group since its inception and I continue to do so today.  I have held a number of department-level management positions at Fermilab.  I was head of the Experimental Physics Projects department and Chairman of the RA Committee for just under 10 years.  For the foreseeable future I expect to devote 100% of research effort to DUNE.