28 May 2019 to 4 June 2019
US/Central timezone

Bob Zwaska

Bob Zwaska is a Senior Scientist in the Accelerator Division at Fermilab, and has devoted the majority of his career to neutrino beams and experiments.  He heads the Target Systems Department which designs, builds, and operates the facilities for the production of muon and neutrino beams, including LBNF.  Bob’s specialties are neutrino beam production and systematics, and high-power proton synchrotrons (instabilities and longitudinal beam dynamics).  His first DUNE-related presentation was at a 2006 workshop in Stony Brook, and he has been involved in some fashion ever since. In addition to DUNE, Bob has been a member of the MINOS and NOvA experiments, and also dabbles a bit hadron production through NA61.  Bob served a year as run coordinator for the MINOS experiment.   He has been the deputy project manager for the Proton Improvement Plan, beam physics manager for the NOvA beam upgrades, and targetry manager for LBNF.  He directs the Fermilab Accelerator PhD Program, and has supervised Ph.D. students from Indiana University and the Illinois Institute of Technology.  He has previously served as the PAST elected member to the IEEE NPSS AdCom; and was Guest Editor of IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science in 2015-2016 for a special issue commemorating the 50th anniversary of the Particle Accelerator Conference series. Bob recently co-taught the inaugural Neutrino Beams class at the United States Particle Accelerator School.  Bob received his Ph.D. from the University of Texas at Austin on the production of neutrino beams, and joined Fermilab in 2005 as a Peoples Fellow.