DUNE Core Computing Meeting



Andrew McNab (University of Manchester), Andrew Norman (Fermilab), Brett Viren (BNL), David Adams (BNL), Heidi Schellman (Oregon state), Michael Kirby (FNAL), Steven Timm (Fermilab), Thomas Junk (Fermilab)

We will have the DUNE General computing meeting:

Heidi Schellman is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.

Topic: General DUNE Computing meeting
Time: This is a recurring meeting Meet anytime

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    • 1
      News and Announcements
      Speakers: Dr Andrew McNab (University of Manchester), Heidi Schellman (Oregon state), Dr Michael Kirby (FNAL), Dr Steven Timm (Fermilab)

      FInal decision on BNL workshop this week

      Doing dual phase MC for the data challenge

      ProtoDUNE MC/reco in the works - small test sample exists

      Need to get a campaign tag for this new production.  Suggestions in the production slack channel

      Elisabetta needs space on EOS for DP.  Steve and Robert are working   Start massive transfer tests to make certain they work.

      DIRAC/rucio work coming out of a workshop in London two weeks ago.  Roger will report on RAL efforts next week.

      Discussion of longer term strategy for DIRAC + rucio testing.   Need to do security review before we can run DiRAC jobs through FNAL. 

      Discussion of code management issues for external packages

      Two classes

      external codes, unmodified - HDF5, CAFE 

      external codes, modified - how do you separate them?

      need some forum for discussion of external packages - which ones should we use ?




    • Round Table Reports
      • 2
        Software Management
        Speakers: Mr Christoph Alt (ETH Zurich), David Adams (BNL), Dr Kurt Biery (Fermilab), Dr Thomas Junk (Fermilab)

        DUNE DAQ Consortium is going to update its interface document with the new geographically-split data file format and associated issues (trigger, metadata, non-TPC data, etc) and would like the offline computing people to review.

        Here's a question Kevin Ewart asked on Thursday in #larsoft_beginners channel on the DUNE Slack system:

        What is the collaboration/LArSOFT/Art's position on copying from open source libraries? Specifically, I want to use a function released under LGPL 3.0 that I have modified, but left all the original inline documentation and author information, as well as my name and modification date
        (no answer yet)

        This sort of thing has come up twice in the last week.  Here's the other instance:
        Jeremy Hewes wants central maintenance of HighFive, a header-only package that
        provides convenices interfaces to HDF5.  HighFive is a project by a small group
        of people called BlueBrain and they put it on GitHub:


        Jeremy has copied HighFive headers into his own personal test release and likes them but wants to push his code,
        and would like central management of HighFive.  I asked Lynn and the SciSoft team about this and they mentioned they
        could do the initial setup but that DUNE would be in charge of maintenance.  There is an HDF5 product in the larsoft
        CVMFS area.  Naturally there are worries here:  if BlueBrain abandons HighFive and HDF5 evolves, we may end up
        with dead code.  HDF5 may have some interest in preserving compatibility.  Another scenario is that the compiler evolves
        and HighFive no longer compiles, or BlueBrain develops faster than we do and the new version of HighFive has
        some incompatibiltiy with DUNE software.  I told Jeremy that we would look into installing it as its own UPS product
        in the DUNE CVMFS space, but if it breaks anything in a way that
        cannot be solved with a simple update, we'll disable code that depends on it.  I should have also mentioned that
        we do not plan on providing tutorials on HighFive either (I found out about its existence last week).
        Another wrinkle:  Chris Green and Marc Paterno are working on a C++ wrapper to HDF5, and integrate with the HDF5



        Back to Kevin's question.  I don't mind if the licensing arrangements are met and it isn't a bigger burden
        to carry around than user code, but the fact that Kevin has modified the code causes some worry.  The worry
        is that the method(s) with the same names can crop up elsewhere and Kevin's modified version can clobber
        someone else's desired use of an unmodified version.  That, and keeping the code maintained with new
        compilers and possibly changing external dependencies is the usual chore.  A suggestion to Kevin:  if he has
        modified some code, he should give his modified version new names.

         Your thoughts?

         I might include this as a discussion item in my talk at the upcoming LArSoft workshop.


      • 3
        Speakers: Ivan Furic (U. Florida - Gainesville), Ivan Furic (University of Florida), Dr Kenneth Herner (Fermilab)
      • 4
        Speaker: Andrea Dell'Acqua (CERN)
      • 5
        Speaker: Dr Elisabetta Pennacchio (IN2P3)
      • 6
        Speakers: Dr Andrew Norman (Fermilab), Charles e. Lane, Igor Mandrichenko (FNAL), Dr Jonathan Paley (Fermilab), Prof. Norm Buchanan (Colorado State University)
      • 7
        WLCG etc
        Internationalization of DUNE computing operations and activities; national infrastructures; WLCG meeting reports
        Speakers: Dr Andrew McNab (University of Manchester), Prof. peter clarke (University Edinburgh)
      • 8
        Data Management
        Speakers: Dr Adam Aurisano (University of Cincinnati), Dr Andrew Norman (Fermilab), Igor Mandrichenko (FNAL), Dr Steven Timm (Fermilab), Dr Stuart Fuess (Fermilab)
      • 9
        Workload Management
        Development and evaluation of workload management components
        Speakers: Dr Andrew McNab (University of Manchester), Dr Kenneth Herner (Fermilab), Dr Raja Nandakumar