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August 19 2019 ArgonCube2x2 Installation Design

SiDet-LabAB (Fermilab)



Ting Miao (FNAL)

Minutes and Action List of August 19 2019 ArgonCube2x2 Instalaltion Meeting

· Attendance: Jim, Gary, John, Steve, Sai and Ting

  • On action task list from last meeting:
    • Ting and Steve met with Howard Budd for Minerva electronics decommissioning and reconfiguration. Howard and Clarance Wret (Rochester) will help us to develop the procedure and discuss it in the meeting
    • Steve informed us that SBND is procuring a pump jack platform to be placed in the tight space of cryostat wall and TPC. There is a youtube video demonstrating the setup and use of the system (linked in the indico page).  The system seems very convenient but may need extra safety review. We will keep this as backup option.
    • Ting talked to Steve Brice about any potential use of downstream space in MINOS hall. We decided it is best to move the argonCube2x2 further upstream by 1m so potentially we will have about 3m total empty space between the downstream Minerva bookend and overhead bridge. 
    • The crane coverage stops at the upstream face of the overhead bridge.  Bridge can be also removed later if needed.
  • Jim gave a detailed presentation of Minerva and MINOS removal procedure -- slide is posted in the indico. Here are some issues we raised:
    • Need to clear up MSB building before early October
    • Need to define storage space for scraped Minerva component in the MSB parking area
      • a dumpster is needed for scintillator and other none-hazardous material
      • a storage skid for lead from minerva detector
    • Need to talk to ESH to define procedure of lead strip disposal
    • Need input from Rochester group on veto scintillator layer especially on shipping requirement and cost
      • Jim to forward request from Kevin M to Ting
    • Need to work with Howard and Clarance to define scope of electronics decommissioning
      • List of good modules for argonCube2x2 run
      • Procedure and labor requirement for PMT and cable removal and storage
      • Re-location of electronics racks
      • Disconnection and re-cabling of DAQ electronics
      • Schedule coordination for the 4-module set decommissioning
    • For MINOS magnet coil, Jim and John propose to cut the coil in the hall then move the pieces upstairs. We see no problem
    • We also discussed a bit of MINOS electronics rack removal and disassembly
      • Steve mentioned it is quite time consuming to disconnect and remove electronics in the rack if we do this in the location where these racks are placed now --- close to the protection rails of the catwalk
      • It might be better to find a storage area for the racks  so we can do the disassembly in the open space.
      • In principal we can do the MINOS electronics removal now but need to find technicians (almost impossible to find free people before October). Ting will bring this up to the division
    • We need to start the conversation with Angela about re-writing JHAs based on installation procedure  
  • On detector layout update:
    • Sai and Min Jeong talked to Angela about new design personnel requirement for platform design. Mechanical engineers of PPD or ND are allowed to design the platform but civil engineer with PE license needs to review the design. FESS will provide the reviewer for the design.
    • The platform layout is shown in the 3d model snapshots. Sai is to define the sizing of the support beams and protection rails.
    • We discussed also the support requirement of the Minerva movable platform -- also shown in the snapshots. We need extra support to make the platform movable. There is also some questions about the height. At the end we feel we will take the movable platform as backup option. Sai's platform and a ladder on the downstream probably is enough.
    •  Gary asked the MINOS cable trays. We think we will not need them.
  • Action task list: 
    • Ting to invite Angela to next meeting for decommissioning documentation and JHA requirement
    • Steve to talk to Minerva and MINOS about the start time to disconnect electronics from detector modules
    • Steve and Ting to discuss with Rochester group about shipping boxes and cost sharing of shipping for veto scintillator layer
    • Jim and John to discuss with Angela on JHAs
    • Gary to modified the 3d model:
      • Moving argonCube2x2 vessel 1m further upstream -- the location of 2x2 vessel will be fixed to this new spot for cryogenic piping design
      • Place 8 electronics racks on the west catwalk platform in the vicinity of 2x2 vessel
        • 5 for argonCube readout, 3 for Minerva reconfigured modules
      • Removing (or hiding) gas TPC  from the model as we are done with its transfer and placement exercise
      • Include a McMaster carr platform ladder downstream in the vicinity of downstream mInerva modules
        • Ting to dig out the step file from McMcaster Carr
      • Removing (or hiding) MINOS cable trays on the catwalks
      • Removing the MINOS bookend
    • Sai to specify sizing of the platform beaming
    • Ting to start the discussion with PPD and ND division management on storage area for MINOS racks
    • In two weeks, Monday is labor day. We will reschedule.
There are minutes attached to this event. Show them.
    • 1
      Progress of action tasks from last meeting
      Speakers: Gary Smith (Fermilab), Mr James Kilmer (Fermilab), John Voirin (Fermilab), Dr Min Kim (Fermilab), Sai Manohari Kancharla, Dr Stephen Hahn (FNAL), Ting Miao (FNAL)
    • 2
      Procedure for Decommissioning Minerva and MINOS
      Speaker: Mr James Kilmer (Fermilab)
    • 3
      Layout update -- UK gas TPC, cryogenic equipment, access platform etc.
      Speakers: Gary Smith (Fermilab), Dr Min Kim (Fermilab), Sai Manohari Kancharla