The impedance model opens an old window on the roots of string theory via the S-matrix bootstrap. There is no Lagrangian. Equations of motion calculate mode impedances of the S-matrix. These govern amplitude and phase of energy transmission, such that the S-matrix impedance representation is also the gauge group, with direct interaction of both flavor and color matrix elements the citizens of Chew’s ‘nuclear democracy’. Naturalness comprises the consistency conditions[1]. The model requires just three assumptions - geometry, fields, and a mass gap - is finite without renormalization, and appears to be maximally analytically continued. There are no free parameters. It suggests a simple proof-of-principle experiment in the Fermilab muon g-2 delivery ring, demonstrating both massless oscillation and possibility of low-energy Muon Collider lifetime enhancement, complementary to high-energy time dilation of the Lorentz transform[2].
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