16–26 Jul 2022
US/Pacific timezone

Beam Test Facilities for R&D in Accelerator Science and Technologies

18 Jul 2022, 19:00
2h 20m
211 South Ballroom (HUB)

211 South Ballroom



John Power (Argonne National Lab)


Demonstrating the viability of emerging accelerator science ultimately relies on experimental validation. A portfolio of beam test facilities at US National Laboratories and Universities, as well as international facilities in Europe and Asia, are used to perform research critical to advancing accelerator science and technology (S&T). These facilities have enabled the pioneering accelerator research necessary to develop the next generation of energy-frontier and intensity-frontier User Facilities. This report provides an overview of the current portfolio of beam test facilities outlining: the research mission, the recent achievements, and the upgrades required to keep the US competitive in light of the large investments in accelerator research around the world.

In-person or Virtual? In-person

Primary authors

Alexander Valishev (Fermilab) Carl Schroeder (Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory) Christine Clarke (Oxford) Chunguang Jing (Euclid Techlabs) Eric Esarey (LBNL) Georg Hoffstaetter (Cornell University) John Power (Argonne National Lab) Louise Willingale (University of Michigan) Mark Hogan (SLAC) Mark Palmer (Brookhaven National Laboratory) Michael Downer Navid Vafaei-Najafabadi (Stony Brook University) Philippe Piot (Argonne National Laboratory & Northern Illinois University) Sergei Nagaitsev (Fermilab/U.Chicago) Steven Lund (USPAS / MSU / FRIB) vitaly yakimenko (slac)

Presentation materials