Energy Frontier: EF - Strong Interactions I
- Michael Begel (Brookhaven National Lab)
- Huey-Wen Lin (MSU)
- Stefan Hoeche (Fermilab)
- Pavel Nadolsky (Southern Methodist University)
Energy Frontier: Higgs and BSM I
- There are no conveners in this block
Energy Frontier: BSM II
- Simone Pagan Griso (Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory)
- Tulika Bose (University of Wisconsin-Madison)
- Zhen Liu (University of Minnesota)
Energy Frontier: EWK I
- Ayres Freitas (University of Pittsburgh)
- Alberto Belloni ()
Energy Frontier: Top I
- Doreen Wackeroth (University at Buffalo, SUNY)
- Reinhard Schwienhorst (Michigan State University)
Energy Frontier: EWK II
- Alberto Belloni ()
- Ayres Freitas (University of Pittsburgh)
Energy Frontier: Dark Matter Discussion
- There are no conveners in this block
Energy Frontier: BSM IV
- There are no conveners in this block
Energy Frontier: BSM V
- There are no conveners in this block
Energy Frontier: Discussion and Summaries
- Alessandro Tricoli (BNL)
- Laura Reina (Florida State University)
- Meenakshi Narain (Brown University)
10’ after the talk is reserved for Q&A
10’ after the talk is reserved for Q&A
10' after the talk is reserved for Q&A
10' after the talk is reserved for Q&A
15' after the talk are reserved for Q&A
Unstructured informal discussion on BSM report with EF08 and EF09 conveners. Everyone welcome to stop by and ask questions, express opinions and help to strengthen the main message of the report.
Unstructured informal discussion on BSM report with EF08 and EF09 conveners. Everyone welcome to stop by and ask questions, express opinions and help to strengthen the main message of the report.
5’ after the talk is reserved for Q&A
5’ after the talk is reserved for Q&A
5’ after the talk is reserved for Q&A
5’ after the talk is reserved for Q&A
10’ after the talk is reserved for Q&A