Instrumentation Frontier: IF1
- Tom Cecil (Argonne)
- Reina Maruyama (Yale University)
Instrumentation Frontier: IF2
- Carlos Escobar (FERMILAB)
- Guillermo Fernandez Moroni ()
- Juan Estrada Vigil (FNAL)
Instrumentation Frontier: IF4
- Darin Acosta (Rice University)
- Allison Deiana ()
- Wesley Ketchum (Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory)
Instrumentation Frontier: IF6
- Andy White (U. texas at Arlington)
- Minfang Yeh (Brookhaven National Laboratory)
- Rachel Yohay (Florida State University)
Instrumentation Frontier: IF3
- Steven Worm ()
- Artur Apresyan (Fermilab)
- Tony Affolder (UCSC- SCIPP)
Instrumentation Frontier: IF10
- Albrecht Karle (University of Wisconsin/WIPAC)
- Amy Connolly (OSU)
Instrumentation Frontier: Discussing the Report with the Community
- Jinlong Zhang (ANL)
- Petra Merkel (Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory)
- Phillip Barbeau (Duke University)
Instrumentation Frontier: IF7
- John Parsons (Columbia University (US))
- Gabriella Carini (Brookhaven National Laboratory)
- Mitch Newcomer (U.Penn)
Instrumentation Frontier: IF9
- Ian Shipsey (Oxford)
- Maurice Garcia-Sciveres (LBNL)
- James Fast (PNNL)
Instrumentation Frontier: IF8
- Roxanne Guenette (University of Manchester)
- Jennifer Raaf (Fermilab)
- Roxanne Guenette ()
- Carl Dahl (Northwestern University)
- Eric Dahl (Northwestern University / Fermilab)
Instrumentation Frontier: IF5
- Bernd Surrow (Temple University)
- Sven Vahsen (University of Hawaii)
- Maxim Titov (CEA Saclay)
Instrumentation Frontier: Finalizing the Report with Community Input
- Petra Merkel (Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory)
- Jinlong Zhang (ANL)
- Phillip Barbeau (Duke University)
Instrumentation Frontier: Informal Writing
- Phillip Barbeau (Duke University)
- Petra Merkel (Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory)
- Jinlong Zhang (ANL)
The hack session has been canceled. Please send any comments on the topical group report to the conveners.
The IF06 session will consist of a short introductory talk followed by a discussion period - for each of the four main calorimetry subject areas (Precise Timing, Dual-Readout, Particle Flow, and Materials)
Summary of main points/highlights from WP/Summary
Critical issues, challenges, questions (10 min)
followed by discussion.
Summary of main points/highlights from WP/Summary
Critical issues, challenges, questions (10min) Katja Kruger
"High granularity MAPS ECal" Jim Brau
followed by discussion.
Summary of main points/highlights from WP/Summary
Critical issues, challenges, questions (10 min)
followed by discussion
Summary of main points/highlights from WP/Summary
Critical issues, challenges, questions
followed by discussion