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Advances in QCD and Applications to Hadron Colliders Workshop

4-330 (UCLA PAB Building)


UCLA PAB Building

UCLA Physics and Astronomy, 475 Portola Plaza, Los Angeles CA 90095
Zhongbo Kang (UCLA)
There have been exciting recent progress in the field of QCD, including: new understanding of factorization, resummation and power corrections that give insight into effective field theories; a new ability to compute NNLO and beyond perturbative corrections that allow precision jet phenomenology at the LHC and other future colliders; better organizing principles for computing multi-loop corrections; the development of new parton showers with higher-order matching; and, many other new advances. This workshop will bring together a small group of experts to allow for targeted discussions that identify possible future advances that merge these new ideas. The topics we plan to discuss include but are not limited to:
  • Factorization in effective field theory, including the impact of Glauber logs and power corrections;
  • Resummation-based subtraction techniques and their latest precision phenomenology results;
  • Recent advances in parton shower Monte Carlos;
  • New PDFs and the impact of resumation on improving their uncertainty;
  • Combining QCD and electroweak effects in precision observables;
  • Developments in calculating two-loop virtual corrections and beyond.
This is the second year for this workshop following a very successful "Advances in QCD and Applications to Hadron Colliders 2016 Workshop" held at Argonne National Laboratory October 26 - 28, 2016. This year the workshop will be co-sponsored by Mani L. Bhaumik Institute for Theoretical Physics at UCLA and Argonne National Laboratory. The workshop will be held at UCLA Department of Physics and Astronomy, which is located in the Physics and Astronomy Building (PAB) and Knudsen Hall. PAB and Knudsen Hall are connected and located northewest of the intersection between Hilgard Avenue and Westholme Avenue. To view an interactive campus map, visit the UCLA maps website. The conference room will be on the fourth floor of PAB building, room 4-330.

If you have any questions, feel free to contact the organizers. For any local/travel issues, please contact our conference secretary Ms. Vidya Sundaram (cc to local organizer Zhongbo Kang). 
  • Aneesh Manohar
  • Christopher Lee
  • David Kosower
  • Duff Neill
  • Falko Dulat
  • Felix Ringer
  • Fernando Febres Cordero
  • Gherardo Vita
  • Harald Ita
  • Hongxi Xing
  • Iain Stewart
  • Ian Moult
  • Ira Rothstein
  • Ivan Vitev
  • Jared Reiten
  • Kyle Lee
  • Mao Zeng
  • Martinus Buffing
  • Radja Boughezal
  • Stefan Hoeche
  • varun vaidya
  • xiaohui liu
  • Yaroslav Balytskyi
  • Yiannis Makris
  • Zhongbo Kang
    • Morning: 1st day
      • 1
        Welcome and Introduction of Bhaumik Institute
        Speaker: Prof. Zvi Bern (UCLA)
      • 2
        Introduction of the workshop
        Speaker: Prof. Zhongbo Kang (UCLA)
      • 3
        Geometric Methods for the Unitarity Approach
        Speaker: Prof. Harald Ita (Freiburg)
      • 10:05 AM
        Coffee Break
      • 4
        The Photon PDF
        Speaker: Prof. Aneesh Manohar (UCSD)
      • 5
        Precision Higgs Physics at the LHC
        Speaker: Dr Falko Dulat (SLAC)
    • 12:15 PM
      Lunch Break Campus (UCLA)



    • Afternoon: 1st day
      • 6
        Recursion Relations for Integral Coefficients
        Speaker: Dr David Kosower (IPhT, CEA Saclay)
      • 7
        Parton showers beyond leading order
        Speaker: Dr Stefan Hoeche (SLAC)
      • 3:40 PM
        Coffee Break
      • 8
        Precision QCD for polarized observables
        Speaker: Dr Hongxi Xing (Northwestern/ANL)
    • Morning: 2nd day
      • 9
        Analytic Boosted Boson Discrimination at the LHC
        Speaker: Dr Ian Moult (Berkeley/LBL)
      • 10
        Threshold and small R resummation for the inclusive jet production
        Speaker: Dr Felix Ringer (LBL)
      • 10:40 AM
        Coffee Break
      • 11
        Finding small-x physics in final state jets
        Speaker: Dr Duff Neill (LANL)
    • 12:00 PM
      Lunch Break Campus (UCLA)



    • Afternoon: 2nd day
      • 12
        Factorization, evolution and matching in double parton scattering
        Speaker: Dr Martinus Buffing (UCLA)
      • 13
        Transverse Vetoes with Rapidity Cutoff in SCET
        Speaker: Dr Yiannis Makris (LANL)
      • 3:40 PM
        Coffee Break
    • Afternoon: 2nd day - Colloquium 1-434


      • 14
        Department Colloquium: New Windows into the Strong Interaction 1-434 (UCLA PAB Building)


        UCLA PAB Building

        Note: this is UCLA Physics and Astronomy Colloquium, which is held in PAB building room 1-434, i.e., different from the workshop room 4-330.
        Speaker: Prof. Iain Stewart (MIT)
    • 5:00 PM
      Colloquium wine reception 4th floor near kitchen (also near room 4-330)

      4th floor near kitchen (also near room 4-330)

      UCLA PAB Building

    • 6:30 PM
      Workshop dinner Silverado Room (Napa Valley Grille)

      Silverado Room

      Napa Valley Grille

      Napa Valley Grille, it is close to Tiverton House (within walking distance). See link here:

      The dinner will be held at Napa Valley Grille, see link here: The name of our event is called: "Precision QCD Workshop Dinner". We have reserved a room: Silverado Room. Napa Valley Grille, it is close to Tiverton House (within walking distance).

    • Morning: 3rd day
      • 15
        Quarkonium dynamics in QCD matter
        Speaker: Dr Ivan Vitev (LANL)
      • 16
        Fermionic Glauber Operators and Quark Reggeization
        Speaker: Mr Gherardo Vita (MIT)
      • 10:40 AM
        Coffee Break
      • 17
        Computation and application of TMD observables
        Speaker: Dr Varun Vaidya (LANL)
      • 18
        Speaker: Organizers
      • 12:05 PM