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Division Seminars

The LHC Confronts the Phenomenological MSSM

by JoAnne L. Hewett (SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory)

Bldg. 362 / Rm. F-108

Bldg. 362 / Rm. F-108

The Large Hadron Collider is providing our first clear view of the Terascale and is confronting our most cherished theories with data, in particular Supersymmetry. So far, LHC searches for Supersymmetry have come up short and the newly discovered Higgs boson is surprisingly difficult to accommodate within the simplest Supersymmetry breaking models. I will review the implications of this data on the phenomenological MSSM and will show that a region of parameter space within the pMSSM can easily evade the LHC searches and accommodate a 125 GeV Higgs boson, while resulting in acceptable values of fine-tuning.