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5 August 2009
Curia II
US/Central timezone

CAPTAN and the Test Beam Telescope

5 Aug 2009, 10:50
Curia II (Curia II)

Curia II

Curia II


Mr John Odeghe (Claflin University)


In the past, new applications required a significant investment in new hardware, firmware, and software development to support additional requirements. These investments are often costly and are not always backward compatible with earlier developments. Once the devices developed by the ESE department are certified, they are used in characterizing individual detector devices and modules for detector research. I worked on the Test Beam Telescope. The Test Beam Telescope works with the CAPTAN (Compact And Programmable daTa Acquisition Node). The CAPTAN has architecture for distributed data acquisition and processing system that can be employed in a number of different applications ranging from test stand DAQ (Data Acquisition) system to high performance parallel computing nodes. In this paper and presentation, we describe the CAPTAN. We developed a firmware and software for testing a fast analog to digital converter (ADC) on the CAPTAN Data Acquisition System.

Primary author

Mr John Odeghe (Claflin University)

Presentation materials