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SIST Presentations 2009

Curia II (Curia II)

Curia II

Curia II

Final presentations for SIST interns.
    • 1
      This is a summary of the welcome section.
      Speaker: Mr Jamieson OLSEN (Fermilab)
    • 2
      Fast Timing Via Cerenkov Radiation
      High precision timing will be a critical requirement for the next generation of particle detectors and high energy particle physics experiments. In particular, high precision timing will be essential for forward proton detectors in the FP420 research and development project. Collaborators behind the FP420 project have proposed the idea of positioning proton detectors 420m away from the CMS/ATLAS point of interactions. These detectors will serve as secondary detectors to tag protons scattered at very small angles with fractional longitudinal momentum loss of less than 2%. Detection of these forward protons is expected to open up new studies of Quantum Chromodynamics, Higgs Boson, electroweak and beyond the standard model physics. To associate scattered protons with their correct point of interaction, timing resolution on the order of a few picoseconds is needed. This talk will present a simulation study that explores the possibility of having detectors capable of picosecond timing.
      Speaker: Mr Earle Wilson (Morehouse College)
    • 3
      The MINERvA detector construction database
      We describe the construction database for the MINERvA detector. MINERvA is a low-mass fully active neutrino detector that is designed to study low-energy neutrino interactions. The detector database keeps track of all detector components, illustrates the relationship between different detector elements, simplifies future data entry and record maintenance. The database is written in Structured Query Language (MySQL). A Python graphical user interface for the database is being developed.
      Speaker: Moureen Kemei (Mount Holyoke College)
    • 4
      Dipole Measurements For the AØ Photoinjector
      The Emittance Exchange (EEX) Project, a Research and Development project at Fermilab focuses on the comparison of transverse to longitudinal emittance exchange is currently ongoing at the A0 Photoinjector. EEX Exchanges longitudinal beam emittance for transverse using dogleg dipole magnets and a TM110 RF cavity. Previous studies at the A0PI have noticed that the electron trajectories though the dogleg dipoles do not follow simulations. It is believed that this discrepancy is due to excessive magnetic fringe fields of the Dog Leg dipoles. Previous measurements of the individual dipole magnets were conducted at the Magnetic Test Facility for currents of 4.5A but not at the 1.8A currently used at the A0PI. This paper describes new measurements and analysis of the dipoles and their fringe fields at 1.8A.
      Speaker: Marcellus Parker (Morehouse College)
    • 10:00 AM
    • 5
      Measurements of beam distribution evolution under stochastic cooling systems in the Antiproton Source
      A charged particle passing through a resonant stripline detector or a resonant cavity creates a small signal pulse known as a dirac pulse. The Schotty detector sequence is used as a measurement tool for beam evolution all around the lab. A Longitudinal Schotty detector located in the PBar tunnel is essential for observing properties of the beam. This paper will discuss the use of LabVIEW for Schotty beam pick up from acquiring the data, to the analysis to finally presenting the findings.
      Speaker: Mr Nick Jackson (Henderson State University)
    • 6
      AØ RF-Gun Cooling System
      The AØ Photoinjector (AØPI) consists of a Radio Frequency Electron Gun (RF-gun) that is cooled by a low-conductivity water (LCW) skid system. DESY will soon install a new RF-gun in the AØPI facility that will require the same cooling. Before the installation occurs it must be assured that the current cooling system for the AØPI RF-gun is up to par. We investigate how the AØPI RF-gun skid system was characterized, improved, and documented over the course of a summer.
      Speaker: Ms Danielle Hannah (Spelman College)
    • 7
      CAPTAN and the Test Beam Telescope
      In the past, new applications required a significant investment in new hardware, firmware, and software development to support additional requirements. These investments are often costly and are not always backward compatible with earlier developments. Once the devices developed by the ESE department are certified, they are used in characterizing individual detector devices and modules for detector research. I worked on the Test Beam Telescope. The Test Beam Telescope works with the CAPTAN (Compact And Programmable daTa Acquisition Node). The CAPTAN has architecture for distributed data acquisition and processing system that can be employed in a number of different applications ranging from test stand DAQ (Data Acquisition) system to high performance parallel computing nodes. In this paper and presentation, we describe the CAPTAN. We developed a firmware and software for testing a fast analog to digital converter (ADC) on the CAPTAN Data Acquisition System.
      Speaker: Mr John Odeghe (Claflin University)
    • 8
      The Fermilab Computer Security Team provides the Fermilab community with technical expertise and up-to-date information and resources for improving computer security. Devices that are active in the Fermilab network, but are not sending log files to the central logging server, could pose a huge threat to the ongoing research. It is therefore profoundly necessary to have all devices that offer a network service send log files to the central logging server and identify those that are not. To do this, the Netflow Management Project was designed and implemented.
      Speaker: Mr Behailu Bekera (Westminster College)
      more information
    • 11:30 AM
    • 9
      HINS SS1 Magnetic Performance Studies
      This paper offers an analysis of the performance of the HINS SS1 as recorded by a magnetic measurement Hall probe array. These superconducting solenoids are under development for a R&D project named High Intensity Neutrino Source. The project design demands an especially small stray field due to adjacent RF cavities. The Hall probe array was fitted with small test coils for probe calibration and testing. Each probe’s sensitivity was measured at diminishing magnetic fields, and the system’s ability to resolve and recover the amplitude of the magnetic field was determined. The system was found to resolve magnetic fields well under 10 µT. These results were reproduced at superconducting temperatures using a different Hall probe excitation method and the stray field found to satisfy the design requirements to first approximation.
      Speaker: Andrés G. Delannoy (University of Puerto Rico at Mayagüez)
    • 10
      Ultrasonic Thermometry in the Verification of Accurate Displacement Measurements in Laser Interferometry.
      The accuracy of distance and position measurements using current advances in laser interferometry today is hindered by temperature gradients along the path of the laser. These temperature gradients along with other environmental conditions decrease the accuracy of measurement due to their effects on the refractive index of air. However, depending on the location, temporal and spatial temperature variations may be large and thereby require a process that would output real-time data highlighting changes in these physical factors. The average temperature around the laser path is difficult to calculate unless a good and efficient technique that can take into consideration all other physical factors such as humidity, atmospheric pressure and the rate of change of temperature is implemented. This paper highlights the design, calibration and testing of an ultrasound transducer device for micro-scale temperature measurements. Measurements in very stable conditions will be compared with measurements in layered and turbulent conditions to determine the working efficiency as well as robustness of the setup.
      Speaker: Nnadozie Ezerioha (Benedict College)
    • 11
      Search for the Higgs Boson in the WH->WWW->lv.jj.jj Channel
      During the summer of 2009, work began on the preliminary stages of an analysis of associated production of the Higgs boson. Our analysis group investigated the high mass Higgs channel WH→WWW→lν.jj.jj, a channel that, to the best of our knowledge, has not yet been studied. This talk will explain the steps that are being taken currently on the way to a full analysis of this channel, principally data processing and multivariate analysis.
      Speaker: Mr Zachary Hynes (Massachusetts Institute of Technology)
    • 2:00 PM
    • 12
      Prototype NOvA RF Cavity for the Fermilab Recycler
      As part of the NOvA project the Fermilab Recycler Ring will be converted to a pre-injector to the Main Injector. This upgrade allows the cycle time to be reduced from 2 seconds to 1.33 seconds; thus yielding an increase in beam power, which can be accredited to two slip stacking cavities in the Recycler Ring. Therefore in this study we built an inexpensive, low power prototype of this NOvA RF cavity. The prototype RF cavity, proved to be useful in identifying various higher order modes, as well as in measuring key parameters associated with the main mode such as Q, dependence of frequency on gap spacing, and sensitivity to tuner depth and z position.
      Speaker: Ms Heba Elnaiem (Howard University)
    • 13
      Implementing a Time-to-Digital Converter in a FPGA
      A Time-to Digital converter (TDC) implemented in a field-programmable gate array (FPGA) as high-resolution time measurement device is presented. This TDC FPGA is innovative in that it solved many problems prevalent in the previously developed firmware. Its new flexible firmware enables it to be utilized in many practical applications.
      Speaker: Mr Aaron Ragsdale (Tuskegee University)
    • 14
      Electron Microscopy and Surface Analysis of MIC Deposits on HPR Flanges
      After a high pressure rinse (HPR) of a 9-cell cavity, located at Argonne, an oil-like substance and brown residue were found in the system manifold and on the seals and an end flange connected to the cavity. EDS revealed that the organic nodules were microbes resulting from Microbiologically Influenced Corrosion (MIC) that occurred throughout the HPR.
      Speaker: Amanda Bastidos (University of Texas at El Paso)
    • 15
      Noise Performance in CMOS Devices
      Submicrometer CMOS technologies provide well-established solutions to the implementation of low-noise front-end electronic for a wide range of applications including detector applications. This paper briefly discusses submicron transistor technologies, the setup necessary for measuring noise in transistors and reason for this measurement.
      Speaker: Ifeoluwa Winjobi (Benedict College)