Open Science Grid All Hands Timetable

Please turn off the wi-fi access on your mobile devices such as iPhones and Blackberries.We are currently limited in address space and these devices take an address thatcould be used by a laptop. The issue is being worked on by the network service providers. Registration will begin at 7:30 Monday thru Thursday at Wilson Hall in the Atrium. Please don't forget to sign up for: Dinner at Rock Bottom Brewery in Warrenville sponsored by Dell Tours of GCC and D0 Please click here if you would like to sign up for a subscription of International Science Grid this Week! We are asking session chairs to help speakers in their session upload their talks. Please come to the registration desk in the WH Atrium if you need help. We have phone and EVO bookings for most of the parallel sessions. Please come to the registration desk in the WH Atrium if you need help.
Survey on OSG CA Processes and Procedures (11:30)
    • US ATLAS Facility Meeting <a href=""> Agenda</a> Wilson Hall, One North - North West

      Wilson Hall, One North - North West

      The US ATLAS Facility meeting actually starts at 9 am.

      The agenda is here

      Meeting Location: Wilson Hall, One North - North West

      Phone Coordinates: March 08, 2010 at 09:00 AM America/Chicago
      Meeting ID: 7777, Phone Number: 510-665-5437

      EVO Coordinates:
      Title:US ATLAS Facility Meeting, Community: WLCG
      Meeting Access Information: URL
      - Phone Bridge ID: 53619
      Start 2010-03-08 08:00 Central Standard Time, End 2010-03-08 17:30

    • Security and Virtual Organization Workshop Wilson Hall, Comitium, 2nd Floor - South East

      Wilson Hall, Comitium, 2nd Floor - South East

      At this session we will follow up on issues identified at the ESNET-OSG Identity Management Workshop. We will discuss the "disaster scenarios" identified by the VO contacts. Also, the OSG Security Group will explain the status of action items and activities identified in the workshop report.

      The agenda below is an initial Strawman and we expect to have additional discussion during the session as needed.

      Meeting Location:
      Wilson Hall, Comitium, 2nd floor South East

      Phone Coordinates:
      Date/Time: March 08, 2010 at 08:30 AM America/Chicago
      Meeting ID: 2222
      Phone Number: 510-665-5437

      • 1
        Review Activities since November Workshop
        Speaker: Dr Mine Altunay (FNAL)
      • 2
        Update on plans and status of LIGO, CILOGON and DOEGrids CA works
        Speakers: Jim Basney (NCSA), Mike Helm (ESnet), Scott Koranda (University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee)
      • 3
        Discuss outcome of "VO 5 top Concerns"
      • 10:30
      • 4
        Pakiti and other Security Tools
        Speaker: Anand Padmanabhan (UIUC)
      • 5
        More usable Desktop Certificate Management Tools
        Speaker: Gabriel Ghinita
    • US CMS Tier-2 Workshop <a href="">Agenda</a> Wilson Hall, One West - 1st Floor, West side

      Wilson Hall, One West - 1st Floor, West side

      The agenda of the US CMS Tier-2 Workshop is here

      Meeting Location: Wilson Hall, One West, 1st Floor West Side

      Phone Coordinates:
      Date/Time: March 08, 2010 at 08:30 AM America/Chicago
      Meeting ID: 8888
      Phone Number: 510-665-5437

      EVO Coordinates: US CMS Tier-2 Meeting, Community:WLCG
      Meeting URL,
      Phone Bridge ID: 1680216
      Central Standard Time (-0600): Start 2010-03-08 08:00: End 2010-03-08 18:00

    • 12:00
    • Virtualization and Cloud Computing Workshop Wilson Hall, Racetrack - 7th Floor Crossover

      Wilson Hall, Racetrack - 7th Floor Crossover

      The goals are to bring us up to date on the status of virtualization frameworks from CERN, Nimbus, and Condor, as well as to share experiences and plans related to the virtualization of science applications and exploration and use of Cloud computing (science and commercial).

      Meeting Location:
      Wilson Hall, Racetrack, 7th Floor Crossover

      Phone Coordinates:
      Date/Time: March 08, 2010 at 01:30 PM America/Chicago
      Meeting ID: 3333
      Phone Number: 510-665-5437

      EVO Coordinates:
      Title: Virtualization and Clouds for OSG Communities
      Community: Universe
      Meeting Access Information:
      - Meeting URL
      - Phone Bridge ID: 1680238
      Central Standard Time (-0600)
      Start 2010-03-08 13:00
      End 2010-03-08 18:00

      • 6
        Introduction OpenNebula / lxcloud and VOC
        Speaker: Sebastien Goasguen (Clemson University)
      • 7
        CERN VM
        Speaker: Predrag Buncic (CERN)
      • 8
        Status of the Nimbus Project
        Speaker: Kate Keahey (Argonne National Lab)
      • 9
        Condor and VM's
        Speaker: Jaime Frey (University of Wisconsin, Madison)
      • 10
        Status of STAR's use of Virtualization and Clouds
        Speaker: Levente Hajdu (BNL)
      • 11
        US ATLAS Plans and Thinking
        Speaker: Yushu Yao (LBNL)
      • 12
        US CMS Plans and Thinking
        Speakers: Andrew Melo (Vanderbilt University), Dave Evans
      • 13
        Discussion of VO Commonalities
      • 15:30
      • 14
        Use of Future Grid
        Speaker: Gregor Von Laszewski (Indiana University)
        Introduction to FutureGrid
      • 15
        Magellan Project
        Speaker: Susan Coghlan (ANL)
      • 16
        VO's Working Together
        Discussion and agreement on action items for OSG and VOs
    • Production Jobs Scheduling - Birds of Feather Wilson Hall, West Wing - 10th Floor Northwest

      Wilson Hall, West Wing - 10th Floor Northwest

      Discussion of the pros and cons of the different job scheduling mechanisms that users have found effective for production runs across the OSG.

      Make recommendations to the OSG project for future activities.

      Meeting Location:
      Wilson Hall, West Wing - 10th Floor Northwest

      As a result of this discussion I believe I can now state the problem that we are trying to solve: Every VO that starts submitting jobs on the OSG must eventually drill down on a site by site basis to understand the specific failure modes for their jobs on each site. Each VO then derives a knowledge base that they use to optimize their job submission success. Every successful VO has done this at least once on a variety of sites. What we (as OSG) would like to do is find a way to solve this problem once, or as few times as possible given the different workflow requirements, so that each VO can directly benefit from the existing knowledge and not need to keep replicating this effort. Thank you all for your thoughts and contributions...! Dan
    • 18:30
      Dinner at Chez Leon
    • Documentation Improvement Report Wilson Hall, Comitium, 2nd Floor - South East

      Wilson Hall, Comitium, 2nd Floor - South East

      There will be a presentation on the process, tools, and ownership plan for improving OSG documentation that resulted from the documentation alignment work that began last year. The recommendations from this project will be implemented over the next several months and the new process will provide an on-going mechanism to manage and improve our documentation.

      This will be an open discussion.

      Meeting Location:
      Wilson Hall, Comitium, 2nd Floor - South East

    • US ATLAS Facility meeting <a href=""> Agenda</a> Wilson Hall, Racetrack - 7th Floor Crossover

      Wilson Hall, Racetrack - 7th Floor Crossover

      The US ATLAS Facility meeting actually starts at 9 am. But in order to get things in alphabetical order in Indico we have "virtually" started it at 8.29am..

      The US ATLAS Facility meeting agenda is here

      Meeting Location: Wilson Hall, Racetrack - 7th Floor Crossover

      Phone Coordinates:
      Date/Time: March 09, 2010 at 08:30 AM America/Chicago
      Length: 240 (minutes)
      Meeting ID: 9999
      Phone Number: 510-665-5437

      EVO Coordinates:
      Title:US ATLAS Facility Meeting, Community: WLCG
      Meeting Access Information: URL
      - Phone Bridge ID: 53619
      Start 2010-03-08 08:00 Central Standard Time, End 2010-03-08 17:30

    • Biology Applications Wilson Hall, One North - North West

      Wilson Hall, One North - North West

      Researchers will present and exchange information about their biology applications that use distributed high throughput computing. We will discuss current and future collaborative activities between the research communities and the OSG.

      Meeting Location: Wilson Hall, One North - North West

      Phone Coordinates:
      Date/Time: March 09, 2010 at 08:30 AM America/Chicago
      Meeting ID: 6666
      Phone Number: 510-665-5437

      EVO Coordinates:
      Title: Biology Applications and OSG
      Community: Universe
      Meeting Access Information:
      - Meeting URL
      - Phone Bridge ID: 1680261
      Central Standard Time (-0600)
      Start 2010-03-09 08:00
      End 2010-03-09 13:00

      • 17
        Welcome and Goals
        Speakers: John Mcgee (RENCI), Piotr Sliz (Harvard Medical School)
      • 18
        Practical approach to privacy, access, and processing for biological synchrotron experiments.
        Speaker: Keith Brister (Feinberg School of Medicine, Northwestern University)
      • 19
        Shotgun Metagenomics - TBD
        Speaker: Folker Meyer (ANL)
      • 20
        Production Computational Biology Workflow on OSG; Experience, Tools and Perspectives
        Speaker: Ian Stokes-Rees (Harvard Medical School)
      • 21
        Genome Center at WUSTL
        Speaker: Gary Stiehr (University of Washington St Louis)
      • 22
        Molecular basis for uninducible behavior of mutations at position 15 in AraC protein
        Speaker: Tim Miller (NIH)
      • 10:00
      • 23
        Discriminative Learning for Protein Conformation Sampling
        Speaker: Jinbo Xu (Toyota Institute, University of Chicago)
      • 24
        DIAG: A data intensive academic grid - A platform for performing bioinformatics analysis on genome sequence data
        Speaker: Anup Mahurkar (University of Maryland)
      • 25
        MPI Cluster for Molecular Dynamics Computations
        Speaker: Peter Doherty (Harvard Medical School)
      • 26
        Desmond: An Efficient, Scalable Code for Biomolecular Simulation - KEYNOTE
        Speaker: Kevin Bowers (De Shaw Research Group)
      • 27
        Discuss the value a collaboration with OSG has and/or can bring to these computing needs.
    • US CMS Tier 3 Workshop <a href=">">Agenda</a> Wilson Hall, One West - 1st Floor, West side

      Wilson Hall, One West - 1st Floor, West side

      The agenda for the US CMS Tier-3 workshop is here.

      Meeting Location: Wilson Hall, One West, 1st Floor - West Side

      Phone Coordinates:
      Date/Time: March 09, 2010 at 08:30 AM America/Chicago
      Meeting ID: 5555
      Phone Number: 510-665-5437

      EVO Coordinates:
      Title:US CMS Tier-3 Meeting, Community: WLCG
      Meeting Access Information:
      - Meeting URL
      - Phone Bridge ID: 1680227
      Central Standard Time (-0600)
      Start 2010-03-09 08:00
      End 2010-03-09 12:30

    • 12:00
      Group Photo
    • 12:15
    • Industry Session and Electronic Demonstrations Wilson Hall Atrium

      Wilson Hall Atrium

      The following vendors will have tables in the WH Atrium for technical discussions:

      Blue Arc
      Cycle Computing
      Red Hat

      The following Demonstrations will also be in the Atrium during this session:

      • 28
        Autodock analysis using the Open Science Grid Wilson Hall Atrium

        Wilson Hall Atrium

        We will present the analysis and results of our project to create an automated workflow for the bioinformatics tool "Autodock" using the OSG Match Maker grid scheduler.
        Speakers: Brian Bockelman (University of Nebraska), David Swanson, Derek Weitzel
      • 29
        Glidein Workload Management System (glideinWMS) Wilson Hall Atrium

        Wilson Hall Atrium

        The Glidein Workload Management System (glideinWMS) utilizes a centralized pilot based submission system called a pilot or Glidein Factory (GF). The glideinWMS system is developed on top of the Condor system. Condor forms the back-bone of the system, with just a thin layer on top of it. From the final user point of view, glideinWMS is just a distributed Condor system. Users with existing Condor-ready jobs can almost transparently submit them to the Grid via glideinWMS. In addition to the simplicity to use, glideinWMS can handle user priorities uniformly across the Grid. The pilot can validate the node before pulling a user job; as a consequence correctly configured users jobs are less likely to fail. Pilot jobs also provide additional services, like pseudo-interactive monitoring that enable the users to debug their job during its execution phase.
        Speakers: Burt Holzman (FNAL), Igor Sfligoi (UCSD), Parag Mhashilkar
      • 30
        Grid Operations Center (GOC) Services for the Open Science Grid (OSG) Wilson Hall Atrium

        Wilson Hall Atrium

        Based at Indiana University, the OSG-GOC ( provides a single point of operational support for the Open Science Grid (OSG). The GOC performs real time Grid monitoring and problem tracking, provides support to users, developers and systems administrators, maintains grid services, provides security incident response, and maintains information repositories.The GOC develops, hosts, and maintains several services for the OSG including MyOSG, GOCTicket, OIM, Twiki, etc. A list of GOC Services is presented and/or linked off of MyOSG. We will offer demonstrations on: - How an OSG member can MyOSG wearing various hats, for example: VO user, site administrator, management personnel - How to effectively use GOCTicket system, the primary ticketing system for the OSG; additionally we will demo a typical ticket exchange between a VO's support ticketing system, the GOC, and a destination ticketing system. - How to maintain accurate topology data about OSG resources, sites, VOs, support centers on OIM. We will be open to discussing or demonstrating other GOC services to the extent logistics permit, if an audience member is interested.
        Speakers: Arvind Gopu, Elizabeth Chism (Indiana University)
      • 31
        Novel computational biology workflows and their deployment onto a grid Wilson Hall Atrium

        Wilson Hall Atrium

        Life sciences are increasingly utilizing computational techniques for data analysis, model building, simulation, and visualization. We have established an environment to attract and support researchers in their deployment of computational biology workflows onto a grid. We will demonstrate and describe the architecture, tools, techniques, and processes we have developed to support this community.
        Speakers: Ian Stokes-Rees (Harvard Medical School), Peter Doherty
      • 32
        OSG Scalability and Reliability testing and monitoring tools Wilson Hall Atrium

        Wilson Hall Atrium

        The OSG Scalability, Reliability and Usability area has developed two testing framework tools and a monitoring tool that are used to attain its mission. The tools are however generic enough that could be of use for any OSG site administrator to evaluate the robustness of their installation.
        Speakers: Christopher Theissen, Frank Wuerthwein, Igor Sfiligoi, Jeffrey Dost (UCSD)
      • 33
        T2-BR-SPRACE CMS Status Report Wilson Hall Atrium

        Wilson Hall Atrium

        Status report of T2-BR-SPRACE site for US CMS Tier-2 workshop. We are planning to show our present status and future plans concerning our Storage and Compute elements
        Speakers: Eduardo Gregores, Marco Dias, Sergio Lietti, Sergio Novaes
      • 34
        The Metric Correlation and Analysis Service (MCAS) Wilson Hall Atrium

        Wilson Hall Atrium

        The Metric Correlation and Analysis Service (MCAS) project was started at the end of 2008 by the Fermilab Computing Division in response to three main considerations from its stakeholders: 1) Grid monitoring and troubleshooting is considered generally lacking in Grid systems 2) When communities need to add monitoring for a component of an infrastructure, the effort is typically started from scratch, developing an end-to-end solution from basic tools (shell, python, RRDtools, R, ...). This entails duplication of effort developing over and over again infrastructure to address common problems (data gathering, warehousing, analysis, and presentation). 3) Summarization of metrics on at-a-glance view would improve status checks of monitored services. This is achieved through dense presentation views and through efficiently reducing large datasets to snapshots of the most relevant information. MCAS was set up to address these issues by providing a common infrastructure and tailored to common use cases plug-ins for the gathering, organization, storage, analysis, and display of data. The system supports a series of understood use cases, including single page view of images from multiple sources, display of data in table format, bar graph representation of alarming-related metrics, and time series plots. It also supports administrator-friendly interfaces to manage data sources, operational tools for database backup / reduction / restoration, and easy infrastructure (re-)deployment. The MCAS project offers its services from http://mcas- : dashboards for various communities can be seen from this url. These communities include CMS T1 (.../cms), DZero (.../dzero-mc, .../dzero-reco), ad Minos (.../minos) . In this demo, we will show how the MCAS system can be used by OSG communities to streamline their needs in metrics gathering, analysis, and display.
        Speakers: Andrew Baranovski, Dave Dykstra, Gabriele Garzoglio, Parag Mhashilkar, Tanya Levshina, Ted Hesselroth
    • 15:00
    • Joint US ATLAS Tier-3, US CMS Tier-3, OSG Tier-3 Support Session Wilson Hall, One West : Wilson Hall 1st Floor, West side

      Wilson Hall, One West : Wilson Hall 1st Floor, West side

      This will be an opportunity to bring all groups up to date on the status and plans for collaborative and joint activities, community priorities, and needs for the near term future.

      Meeting Location: Wilson Hall, One West - 1st Floor, West Side

      Phone Coordinates:
      Date/Time: March 09, 2010 at 03:00 PM America/Chicago
      Meeting ID: 7777
      Phone Number: 510-665-5437

      EVO Coordinates:
      Title: Joint US ATLAS, US CMS, OSG Tier-3 meeting
      Community: Universe
      Meeting Access Information:
      - Meeting URL
      - Phone Bridge ID: 1680272
      Central Standard Time (-0600)
      Start 2010-03-09 15:00
      End 2010-03-09 18:00

      • 35
        ATLAS Tier 3 Organization and Plans
        Speakers: Doug Benjamin (Duke), Massimo Lamanna (CERN), Rik Yoshida (ANL)
      • 36
        CMS Tier 3 Organization and Plans
        Speaker: Rob Snihur
      • 37
        Open Discussion
        Compare and Contrast Efforts
      • 38
        ATLAS use of Virtualization for Tier 3's
        Speaker: Waruna Fernando
      • 39
        Open Discussion
      • 40
        CMS use of Hadoop
        Speaker: Brian Bockelman (University of Nebraska)
      • 41
        OSG On-going Support Plans for Tier 3's
        Speaker: Dan Fraser (ANL)
      • 42
        Final Discussion
    • Collective VO's Workshop Wilson Hall, Racetrack - 7th Floor Crossover

      Wilson Hall, Racetrack - 7th Floor Crossover

      An opportunity for the exchange of ideas as well as suggestions for future directions for OSG with respect to the collective VO's.

      Please see below for the topics of discussion:
      - How does your VO provide dynamic and ad hoc requirements to OSG, and is this process effective?
      - How should OSG get engaged for sustaining your VO?
      - Is your VO's interest well represented in OSG? If not, any suggestions for improvement?
      - Best practices for attracting and retaining users. E.g., how to engage users of local HPC for using the grid.
      - Resource discovery tools
      - Tools/techniques to better allow troubleshooting and resolution of the many components of the OSG software stack
      - How can we improve installation and end user documentation?
      - Accounting tools
      - What does "supporting a particular VO" mean for a site?
      - How can a VO ensure that a particular site supports the needs of its users?
      - What is the required list of software? (There are several "optional" components that are actually required to run, so
      why are they optional)
      - Potential funding opportunities

      Meeting Location: Wilson Hall, Racetrack - 7th Floor Crossover

      Phone Coordinates:
      Date/Time: March 09, 2010 at 02:30 PM America/Chicago
      Meeting ID: 8888
      Phone Number: 510-665-5437

    • Tours of D0 Experiment and Fermilab Grid Computing Center

      Attendees should sign up for one tour at the registration desk. There will be 2 buses at the horseshoe entrance to Wilson Hall. One will go to the Tevatron D0 Experiment and one will go to the Grid Computing Center which houses much of the computing and storage for the US CMS Tier-1 and Tevatron data processing.

      The buses will return to the WH entrance at 6:00pm

    • Dell Sponsored Dinner, Rock Bottom Brewery (through discussion with Fermilab Hosts)

      Dell is sponsoring a dinner at
      Rock Bottom Restaurant & Brewery
      28256 Diehl Road
      Warrenville, IL 60555-3835
      (630) 836-1380

      Attendees are asked to register for this dinner at the OSG AHM Registration Desk.

    • Welcome Wilson Hall, One West - 1st Floor, West side

      Wilson Hall, One West - 1st Floor, West side

      Sessions on Wednesday will be in

      Wilson Hall One West until 3 pm and then in
      Wilson Hall Curia II - 2nd Floor South West

    • Council Status

      Discussion of the activies of the OSG Constortium Council.

    • Production and Support

      This session will cover production status and operation activities and plans of the OSG.

    • Software and Security

      This panel will discuss the OSG software and security activities and plans

    • 10:30
    • New Research on the OSG

      The session will present some of the new applications running on the OSG.

      • 43
        Nuclear Physics Simulations at Duke University
        On behalf of Steffen Bass group at Duke University we will present the status of the nuclear physics modelling applications and plans for running across multiple OSG sites.
        Speaker: John McGee (RENCI)
      • 44
        GlueX experience with participating in OSG
        Speaker: Richard Jones (University of Connecticut)
      • 45
        Southern California Earthquake Center Workflows on OSG
        Speaker: Gaurang Mehta (ISI)
      • 46
        Running ICECube simulations on OSG
        Speaker: Steve Barnet (University of Wisconsin Madison)
      • 47
        EResearch 2020 Report
        Speaker: Zack Kertcher (University of Chicago)
      • 48
    • Student Reports

      This session will give reports from students who were sponsored by OSG to attend the International Grid Summer School and Teragrid 09 conference.

    • 12:45
    • State of the OSG
      State of the OSG
    • OSG Technology Group

      The technology group will document the current high-level and end-to-end design of the services on the OSG. The group will create a design road map and provide ongoing coordination and advice for technologies recommended on the infrastructure.

      This panel will discuss the activities of the group to date.

      • 49
        Intro / Overview
        Speaker: Mr John Hover (BNL)
      • 50
        Evolving Technology in a Production Environment
        Speaker: Miron Livny
      • 51
        CMS VO Architecture and Top 5
        Speaker: Catalin Dumitrescu
      • 52
        Recent LIGO Experience on OSG
        Speaker: Patrick Brady
    • 15:00
    • Report from Europe and CERN Curia II - Wilson Hall 2nd Floor South West

      Curia II - Wilson Hall 2nd Floor South West

      • 53
        Speaker: Markus Schulz
      • 54
        Speaker: Alberto Di Meglio
      • 55
        WLCG and Interoperability
        Speaker: James Casey
      • 56
        Global communities - A European Perspective
        Speaker: Massimo Lamanna
      • 57
    • Aspects of the Future of US National CI
      • 58
        National R&E Network Support of Scientific Computing
        Speaker: Randy Frank (Internet2)
      • 59
        Speaker: Michael O'Connor (ESNET)
      • 60
        View from DOE ASCR
        Speaker: Richard Carlson (DOE)
      • 61
        Speaker: Richard Moore (SDSC)
      • 62
        Speaker: James Howison (CMU)
      • 63
        Technology Auditing Project
        Speaker: Steve Gallo (University of Buffalo)
        Technology Audit
      • 64
        OSG Campus Grid Report
        Speaker: Robert Gardner (University of Chicago)
    • Closeout and Discussion
    • Open Science Grid Council Meeting <a href="">Open Science Grid Council Meeting</a> Wilson Hall, One North - North West

      Wilson Hall, One North - North West

      Agenda for the Council Meeting is

      Meeting Location: Wilson Hall, One North - North West

      Phone Coordinates:
      Date/Time: March 11, 2010 at 08:00 AM America/Chicago
      Meeting ID: 8888
      Phone Number: 510-665-5437