12 August 2020
US/Central timezone

Neutrino electromagnetic properties and interactions are usually considered very exotic, but even in the Standard Model massless neutrinos have small loop-induced electric charge radii.
The observation of the Standard Model neutrino charge radii would test the Standard Model radiative corrections and possibly reveal New Physics contributions.
The other possible neutrino electromagnetic properties are the electric and magnetic dipole moments and electric millicharges.
The search of these properties may open a window on the New Physics Beyond the Standard Model.
They are also phenomenologically important for neutrino detection and for the behavior of neutrinos in astrophysical environments.
In this workshop we will discuss the status and prospects of the theory, phenomenology and experimental searches of neutrino electromagnetic properties.



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    Meeting ID: 946 2889 0188
    Password: 716445
    SIP: [email protected]
    Password: 716445