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Welcome to the joint meeting of the Snowmass Energy Frontier "BSM: More general explorations" and "Dark Matter at Colliders" Topical Groups (EF09 and EF10), dedicated to dark showers. 

In the "Call for Abstracts" on the left-hand side of the agenda, we would like to call for for short presentations/thoughts to facilitate forming collaborations and contributing to the Snowmass process on this topic. Since there is much unexplored territory in all of theory / phenomenology / MC generators / experiments, we welcome contribution and interests on all those topics. We will assign slots to all the contributions we received, up to Tuesday August 11th. 

The Zoom link for our meeting is:

Live notes (*) taken at this meeting are available at this link.

Other notes: 

  • (*) Live notes is a note-taking practice adopted from the example of the HEP Software Foundation, where points related to the meeting are added in advance of the meeting, and the participants can contribute either before or during the meeting (in the latter case, this is similar to taking minutes/notes, participants still contribute to the live discussion by raising their hand in Zoom and speaking in the meeting). For each meeting, we invite to add points and questions in advance of the meeting in the "Discussion" field, and we can go over them during the discussion. They form the basis for the meeting minutes that will be added to our twiki after each meeting.  At the end of the meeting, the notes are summarised and published. 