Quantum Sensors Informational Session

Zoom meeting

Zoom meeting

Tom Cecil (Argonne), Kent Irwin (Stanford University and SLAC), Reina Maruyama (Yale University), matt pyle (University of California Berkeley)
    • 11:00 11:10
      Introduction 10m
      Speakers: Kent Irwin (Stanford University and SLAC), Reina Maruyama (Yale University), Tom Cecil (Argonne), matt pyle (University of California Berkeley)
    • 11:10 11:25
      Superconducting Quantum Sensors 15m
      Speaker: Aaron Chou (Fermilab)
    • 11:25 11:40
      Low Threshold Quantum Calorimeters 15m
      Speaker: Sae Woo Nam (NIST)
    • 11:40 11:55
      Quantum Ensembles: Clocks and Interferometers 15m
      Speaker: Jason Hogan (Stanford University)
    • 11:55 12:10
      Quantum Ensembles: Spins and Traps 15m
      Speaker: Alexander Sushkov (Boston University)
    • 12:10 12:25
      Community Discussion 15m

      everyone: are there broad topics that have been missed?
      convener: Tom Cecil

    • 12:25 12:32
      Flashtalk - Optomechanics for HEP 7m
      Speaker: Daniel Carney
    • 12:32 12:39
      Flashtalk - Optical Quantum Noise Reduction Opportiniues 7m
      Speaker: Raphael Pooser (Oak Ridge National Laboratory)
    • 12:39 12:46
      Flashtalk - Windchime: Gravitational Detection of Planck-mass Dark Matter with Quantum Accelerometers 7m
      Speaker: Juehang Qin
    • 12:46 12:53
      Flashtalk - Precision Measurements with Trapped Ions 7m
      Speaker: David Hume (NIST)
    • 12:53 13:00
      Flashtalk - Directional WIMP Detection Using Quantum Defects in Diamond 7m
      Speaker: Mason Marshall
    • 13:00 13:07
      Flashtalk - Superconducting Qubit Advantage for Dark Matter (SQuAD) 7m
      Speaker: Ankur Agrawal
    • 13:07 13:14
      Flashtalk - RF Quantum Upconverters 7m
      Speaker: Stephen Kuenstner
    • 13:14 13:21
      Flashtalk - KID-based Detectors for Low-mass Dark Matter 7m
      Speaker: Sunil Golwala (California Institute of Technology)
    • 13:21 13:28
      Flashtalk: Athermal Phonon Sensors for Light Mass Dark Matter 7m
      Speaker: Caleb Fink
    • 13:28 13:35
      Flashtalk - Quantum-limited transistor microwave amplifiers for radio astronomy 7m
      Speaker: Austin Minnich
    • 13:35 13:42
      Flashtalk - Quantum Sensing for the Tunable Axion Plasma Haloscope 7m
      Speaker: Katherine Dunne (Stockholm University)
    • 13:42 13:49
      Flashtalk - Quantum Sensing of 3He for Low-mass Dark Matter Detection 7m
      Speaker: Steve Lyon
    • 13:49 13:56
      Superconducting Nanowire Detector (SNSPDs) for Dark Matter 7m
      Speaker: Dr Matt Shaw (JPL)
    • 13:56 14:16
      Community Discussion 20m

      Moderator: Reina Maruyama