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4–6 Nov 2020
US/Central timezone

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The second HEP-CCE all-hands meeting will be dedicated to reviewing Year 1 progress for our four tasks, discussing Year 2 priorities and strategizing about possible new directions for our project. The idea is to have three two-hour sessions:

  • Nov 4, 2-4 PM Central  -  Introduction, Task 2 (I/O Strategies)  status and year 2 priorities 
  •  Nov 5, 2-4 PM - Task 1 (Portable Parallezation) status and year 2 priorities 
  •  Nov 6, 2-4 PM - Task 3 (Generators) and 4 (Workflows) year 2 priorities, CCE outreach. Year 2+ strategy discussion.
As usual, our meeting will be open to everyone in the community, and we welcome contributions from anyone.
Registration for this event is currently open.