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9–11 Dec 2020
US/Eastern timezone

Contribution List

13 / 13
09/12/2020, 12:00
Jon Engel, Lukas Graf, Vincenzo Cirigliano (Los Alamos National Laboratory)
09/12/2020, 12:50
Alexander Barabash, Javier Menéndez (University of Barcelona), Wouter Dekens (Los Alamos), Zohreh Davoudi (University of Maryland)
09/12/2020, 14:20
Giovanni Benato
10/12/2020, 13:10
Danielle Speller (Johns Hopkins University), Steven Elliott (Los Alamos National Laboratory), Thomas Brunner (McGill and TRIUMF), Valentina Lozza
10/12/2020, 13:30
Benjamin Monreal (Case Western Reserve University), Eric Church (PNNL), Eric Hoppe, Prof. Huan Zhong Huang (UCLA), Mike Heffner (LLNL)
11/12/2020, 12:00
Angelo Dragone (SLAC), Aobo Li (Boston University), Matt Wetstein (Iowa State University), Steve Biller, Yuan Mei (LBNL)
11/12/2020, 13:00