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November 30, 2020 to December 1, 2020
US/Central timezone

Scientific Program

The LEPLAr workshop is primarily focused on low-energy physics in DUNE, but other experiments will be considered. Physics topics include: supernova and solar neutrinos, BSM signals, plus ~GeV-scale physics for which ~MeV-scale event components matter.

The goals of the workshop are:

  1. Identify physics opportunities in the <100 MeV regime that can be addressed by DUNE (and similar large LArTPCs) and related challenges for the different technical working groups, including ancillary measurements.
  2. Develop a standard set of signal and background assumptions, and identify knowledge gaps and possible experimental/theoretical remedies.
  3. Enhance communication between DUNE technical working groups for addressing low-energy-physics-related challenges.
  4. Share experience with other LArTPC experiments.

The first half of the workshop, on November 30th and December 1st, is dedicated to exploring theoretical models for low-energy physics signatures in the DUNE FD and the status and availability of simulation tools (from generators to detector propagation) for low-energy interaction modeling.

For questions and offline discussion we are using the channel #leplar-workshop on the snowmass slack workspace.

workshop poster