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Indico will be unavailable on Monday Feb 17th from 4:30-5PM CST due to server maintenance.


Experts in STEM fields will answer questions, and explain everything that you want to know about our work at Fermilab.

When you register choose from the following panel discussions:

Electrical engineering:  Designing and developing electrical systems are the basis for many tools we use everyday, such as electric motors or smartphones. Engineers innovate applying physics and mathematics of electricity, electromagnetism, and electronics. Electrical engineers at Fermilab work on challenging projects to make the experiments and do science.

Mechanical engineering: Understanding and creating precise machines with moving parts requires to combine science and an inventive mind. It uses the principles of materials science to design and make mechanical systems, for instance, robots that mak different tasks. Mechanical engineers are Fermilab are a key component of the scientific experiments.

Quantum computing: Quantum computing has the potential to take on the most formidable calculations in particle physics, calculations that are, it is not an exaggeration to say, otherwise impossible. Fermilab is pursuing a program to leverage this powerful technology to solve problems in data analysis and theoretical calculations. 

Dark Matter: Ordinary matter makes up only 5 percent of the content of the universe; the remaining 95 percent is made of dark matter and dark energy. Scientists inferred the existence of both of these phenomena by observing their cosmic effects but have yet to directly detect them. Several Fermilab experiments are seeking to uncover the mysteries of the dark universe.

Astrophysics:  Fermilab’s Astrophysics has played a key role in the development of this exciting field and continues to be deeply involved in the connection between particle physics and astrophysics, advances in areas including dark matter, cosmic rays, the cosmic microwave background, large scale structure, neutrino astronomy, gamma-ray astronomy, and axion astrophysics.

Neutrino Physics: The lab's suite of experiments to study the subtle, elusive particles called "neutrinos" will aid humanity's understanding of the origin of matter and the unification of forces and the Big Bang. Neutrinos, first detected in 1956, come in three types (or flavors as we called it in physics) and there are some mysterious characteristics to unveil. They have puzzlingly low masses when compared to other elementary particles, and they are able to oscillate, or change from one type of neutrino to another they travel.

Large Hadron Collider: The LHC is the largest and the highest-energy particle accelerator in the world. It steers beams of particles on a collision course around a 17-mile ring. It is located 300 feet underground and straddling the border of Switzerland and France. The beams collide at four designated collision points where experiments with multipurpose particle detectors register the collision products. Experiments at the LHC seek a greater understanding of nature by searching for new phenomena and particles and by investigating the properties of the particles and forces we know. 

Theoretical Physics: Theoretical physicists work to explain the way nature works at the smallest and largest levels, from the elementary particles that make up everything around us to the forces that influence the structure of entire galaxies. They work on theories to explain the experiments results and propose new theories to be tested at future experiments. 

and more...