Physics Limits of Ultimate Beams


Zoom meeting ID: 959-2445-7368 Link:
Carl Schroeder (Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory), Frank Zimmermann (CERN), Mark Palmer (Brookhaven National Laboratory), Mei Bai (GSI), Pietro Musumeci (UCLA), Steven Lund (USPAS / MSU / FRIB), Zhirong Huang (SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory)

As part of the Snowmass2021 community discussion, AF1 (Accelerator Science, Education, Outreach), AF4 (Multi-TeV Colliders) and AF6 (Advanced Accelerator Concepts) would like to launch a joint workshop on the topic of Physics limits of Ultimate beams.  The main scope of this workshop is to engage the community to explore

  • Fundamental ultimate beams for various physics goals. In particular, for colliders, we would like to understand the required luminosity scaling with energy
  • Potential and feasibility of advanced concepts towards the ultimate physics limits, such as PeV beams yet low luminosity etc.