Please read these instructions before posting any event on Fermilab Indico

Indico will be unavailable on Wed, Jan 15th from 7-7:30am CST due to server maintenance.

Speaker Instructions

To ensure that all new ideas get a hearing, we are planning a somewhat unusual format. Please note:

- Contributed talks in the afternoon will be STRICTLY timed to 5 MINUTES,
  with no discussion. We are reserving discussion after each block of short
  talks. Please think carefully about how to get your main message across
  in 5 minutes. The success of the meeting will depend on everyone keeping
  time. If you are not done after 5 minutes, you will be cut off in fairness to the
  other speakers. Also, please note the exact time of your talk on the agenda.

- Invited overview talks have been allotted 15 minutes + 5 minutes for
  questions. These will all take place in the morning session.

- Please upload your talk to Indico before 9am on Monday October 24th.
  If you have trouble uploading, please send your talk to Kevin Pitts
. If you have trouble with FireFox, please try a different
  web browser.

- Speakers joining by phone or video should follow the Remote Connection

- We are asking that you please provide us with a 1-page write-up of your idea
  in LaTeX form by November 1st to serve as input for the overall Intensity
  Frontier technical document we are being asked to produce. We hope that you  
  will be able to provide this.

Thanks and we are looking forward to an exciting working group meeting!

- Andre deGouvea, Kevin Pitts, Kate Scholberg, Sam Zeller
  Neutrino Working Group conveners