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Calibration plan for J-PAS and J-PLUS surveys.

19 Apr 2012, 15:10


Paper Session 4C


Dr Nicolas Gruel (Centro de Estudios de Física del Cosmos de Aragón (ceFca))


J-PAS survey consists of an 8000 square degree photometric sky survey with a set of 52 narrow-band and 2 broad-band filters. The main goal is to produce a photo-redshift catalog of ~15 millions red, early-type galaxies with a precision σ(z)~0.003(1+z) to measure the Baryonic Acoustic Oscillation (BAO).Such precision requires specific care in the photometric calibration survey. This contribution presents the calibration protocol developed at ceFca for the J-PAS data and to be applied from its first day. An auxiliary telescope 80 cm telescope will perform an initial survey, J-PLUS, available one year before J-PAS, to create a set of flux calibrated stars in all J-PAS fields. Seven reference stars were already chosen to calibrate in flux the J-PLUS survey. J-PLUS 12-filter system was also specifically optimized to retrieve stellar parameters, T, log(g), [Fe/H], through the fitting of flux calibrated models. J-PLUS will be used as the standard network of flux calibrated stars to create synthetic spectro-photometry for J-PAS 56-filter system and to achieve the 2% photometric precision required for BAO measurements.

Primary author

Dr Nicolas Gruel (Centro de Estudios de Física del Cosmos de Aragón (ceFca))


Dr David Cristobal Hornillos (Centro de Estudios de Física del Cosmos de Aragón (ceFca)) Dr Jesus Varela (Centro de Estudios de Física del Cosmos de Aragón (ceFca)) Dr Mariano Moles (Centro de Estudios de Física del Cosmos de Aragón (ceFca))

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