Ed Fomalont
4/19/12, 9:00 AM
The definition of a precise inertial reference frame is fundamental to
the determination of the location and motion of objects in the sky
(astrometry) and features on the earth (geodesy). Since most
observing instruments are on the earth surface or in earth orbit, the
earth rotation, motion and crustal distortions add considerable
complexity to the determination of astrometric and...
Mike Bessell
4/19/12, 10:00 AM
Skymapper is a survey of the sky south of the equator in 6 bands, u,v,g,r,i,z. SkyMapper's griz bands are similar to those of SDSS while the u band is similar to Stroemgren u, and the v band is similar to DDO 38. It will be conducted over 5 years commencing in late 2012. The first year will concentrate on a shallow coverage (g=8 to 18 mag) of the whole area in photometric weather to provide...