Elena Pancino
(INAF - Bologna Observatory)
4/17/12, 9:00 AM
I will describe the ESA's Gaia astrometric mission and its scientific potential, briefly reporting on the science performances. Then I will focus on the flux calibration model and on the ongoing ground-based campaign started to build the Gaia spectrophotometric standard stars grid, which requires approximately 200 stars, calibrated to a few percent with respect to Vega, and covering different...
Calibration of the Far-infrared and Sub-millimetre Instruments of the Herschel Space Observatory
Anthony Marston
4/17/12, 10:00 AM
Large Surveys and Missions (Sub-mm and Radio)
The Herschel Space Observatory has the largest aperture of any space telescope, with a primary mirror of 3.5 metres in diameter. The telescope is radiatively cooled to below 90K, allowing it to be used for far-infrared and sub-millmetre observation. It has three cryogenically cooled focal plane instruments that cover the wavelength range of 55 to 670 microns. These allow broad-band photometry...