Herman Marshall
(MIT Kavli Institute)
17/04/2012, 11:00
The International Astronomical Consortium for High-Energy Calibration (IACHEC) aims to provide standards for high energy calibration and supervise cross-calibration between different X-ray and Gamma-ray observatories. This goal is reached through Working Groups, involving around 40 astronomers worldwide. In these Groups, IACHEC members co-operate to define calibration standards and procedures....
Dragan Huterer
(University of Michigan)
17/04/2012, 11:30
Imperfect calibration of galaxy surveys due to either astrophysical or instrumental effects leads to biases in measuring galaxy clustering. These systematics in turn affect cosmological parameter measurements. More interestingly (and disturbingly), the spatially varying calibration errors also generically lead to violations of statistical isotropy of the galaxy clustering signal. Here I...