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T-980 Meeting - Ending T980 and moving to a new study of crystal at low energy

Penthouse (Booster West Towers)


Booster West Towers

Meeting Notes:

Motivation for Studies:
There seem to be enough interest from FNAL, IHEP and PNPI in the broad topics of applications of VR fro a bent crystal at low energy to start trying to put together work in this area.   It was stated that a LOI prepared for acclerator division & 2nd floor should be written by Nikolai by Mid Jan 2012 to inform and prepare plans in this area. The main applications would be related to beam extraction and collimation.

Timing for beam studies:

Short term plan:
For the short term there is an oppurtunity to use the Recycler for beam studies up to ~ Feb.  However, work to prepare and install a gonoimeter in the RR62 SS and conduct studies is going to be difficult but all decided this should be the first direction.  In order to have any chance the following will have to be done ASAP.  The plan will be to install only the vertical goniometer and use whatever else the RR currently has.
1) Tues Dec 20 go into RR and look,measure, take pictures & access cables & instrumentation for installing the goniometer only.
2) Cons will need to provide lattice and beam paramters to Nikolai for Sasha and the 2 Yuri's.
3) Dean will need to ask Rob Rielly about build stand to house the vertcial goniometer.
4) Dean will need to provide layout of experiment at RR62 SS.
5) Vladimir will need to impression on division plans which my impact ANU schedule.
6) Possiblity move vertical collimator and install vacuum isolation valves.

Long term plan:
For the long term there should be more details presentation of plans and simulation.  The idea is to create a locataion that is easily accessable to for these studies.  
1) Maybe moving experiment from RR62 to RR52 to use for extraction might be benificail.
2) Define the components that would aloow for horizontal use of extraction.
3) will ned specific prepared crystals and possible other hardware.
There are minutes attached to this event. Show them.