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Tianlai Analysis Teleconference



1)  Collaboration Meeting, 2021  there was general agreement for the following plan.   Xuelei agreed to organize the schedule for the meeting.

  • date/time: 
    • 3 Wednesdays at usual telecon time, 1.5 hours each day 
    •  Weds Oct 27 and Nov 3 and Nov 10
  • topics:        see attached draft

2)  Lunar orbiter proposal - Xuelei shared an invitation letter (attached) to participate in the project to actually construct the flight hardware, software, etc.   Contributions are welcome in a wide range of areas.   Mission description is also attached.  Will US agencies support this?  Perhaps NSF.  NASA seems unlikely....

3) DC offset studies of cylinder ADC/correlator - Jixia showed that the offset level in the correlator depends on the channels, but is either small, or consistent with 0.  For the purposes of the Sun removal paper, we can say that it is negligible compared to sims of cross-coupling and the sky signal.

4) Sun removal paper - Anh and Santanu are almost done responding to reviewer's comments.  One remaining question is to quantify the amount of Sun signal that is not removed.  Not clear how to address this.  Can we get this out of the Chi^2 analysis?  Ideas needed.   Reza had a suggestion last week;  Anh may contact him for clarification.

There are minutes attached to this event. Show them.