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LArSoft Coordination Meeting




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Notes from Nov 2 LArSoft Coordination Meeting



Erica Snider:  Release and project report

  • no comments or questions


Herb Greenlee:  ParticleID data product  updates

  • Want to merge latest MicroBooNE prod branch w develop. Requires ParticleID, so will speak both to ParticleID and the other changes to be merged. Start with ParticleID

  • Historical overview

    • Proposed July 17, 2018

    • Some suggestions made and a second presentation Jan 15, 2019

      • agreed to in principle pending implementation of ioread rule

    • MicroBooNE forked MCC9 off LArSoft v08_05-00, Jan 16, 2019

      • ParticleID merged initially MCC9 fork, but not develop due to lack of ioread rule

      • In the MicroBooNE merge, broke backwards compatibility by choice

  • Old class description

    • Contained metric values for specific PID algorithms

    • Plus a single PlaneID class

  • New class description

    • Vector of structs that could accommodate arbitrary algorithm descriptors defined by user

      • string  name

      • metric value

      • PDG hypothesis ID

      • Plane mask, a bitset, where each represents a plane in the TPC

        • allows  specification of algorithms that used multiple planes for the PID

    • Advantages of the new class

      • Extensible. Add new algorithms w/o changing class

      • Multiple planes

    • Disadvantages

      • Assumes one TPC and cryostat

        • Neither  TPC nor cryostat are included

      • Kyle comment:  can diff collections be used to ident the TPC / Cryostat? Yes in principle

        • This needs more thought before going that route

  • Why no iorule before this?

    • Originally, root bug. Was long since fixed

    • Second issue was inability to read  old geo::PlaneID that was embedded in ParticleID

      • This is now solved

  • How iorules work

    • root presents user with two versions of object being read

      • First matches compiled-in class

        • Uses global root dictionary

      • Second is reconstituted version of object read from disk based on dictionary stored in disk file

        • Available only as TObject*

        • No programmatic access to class members

        • Uses object-specific dictionary in the file

    • Need to convert by hand within the iorule

    • When reading an old version of ParticleID from disk, the embedded PlandID object needs to be unpacked in order to correctly set the plane mask

      • Observed that the embedded PlaneID embedded in reconstituted disk version of object is always default constructed (and so in "invalid" state)

      • But was still possible to read PlaneID alone. Some there was some issue in extracting the PlaneID from disk. This problem was never solved.

  • Solution

    • Add PlaneID data member back into new ParticleID class (a solution originally suggested by Philippe Canal)

      • Had to have a particular name ("fPlaneID")to trigger the default schema evolution.

      • That default schema evolution correctly fills the fPlaneID data member in the new class, even if the layout changed (with the addition of the vector, bitset, etc)

        • As a side effect, this also adds a location to specify  the cryostat and TPC

        • The updated iorule adds nine algorithms structs corresponding to the atomic values in the old ParticleID class

      • Once the added member is read correctly, then just need to unpack  it and fill the bitset.

  • Dependencies

    • lardataobj:  ParticleID class

    • lardata:  dump module

    • larreco:  track fitter

    • lareventdisplay

    • larana:  the algorithms

  • Merge branches in

    • See slides

  • Experiment dependencies

    • Many.

    • Orig authors provided merge branches that worked at the time

    • Herb looked at some. Would need to do "git merge  -X ignore-all-space conflicts"

      • But then had issues building things (as expected)

      • Also noted:

        • lariatsoft appears to be unmaintained

        • sbncode has ParticleID dep, but no eisting merge branch

        • Some experiment repositories migrated to github. The merge branches may or may not have been migrated from redmine

        • Experiment branches not fully tested

    • Lynn:  noted that these branches are really old, so likely need to start over. CI system will not work w/o clean build.

  • Additional MCC9 updates that MicroBooNE would like to merge into develop: 

    • MCS track momentum fitter

      • Author:  Giuseppe Cerati

      • larreco updates and branch (see slides)

      • Existing fcl should work, but result will change

      • Slide with performance, JINST reference

    • Pandora event building

      • Andy Smith and Wouter van de PontSeele

      • larpandora updates 

      • larpandora merge branch:  greenlee_mc99_event_building

      • event building updates were designed to be non-breaking for non-MicroBooNE experiments at the time they were originally developed (ca Feb 2019)

  • Request

    • Test build with all of the merge branches mentioned so far.

    • Not including experiment repositories

    • List of branches in MicroBooNE fork (see slides)



    • Lynn:  Can you make this in the form of PRs?  A:  Yes

      • And mergeable with develop? A:  Yes, will ensure that

      • Then merge into a test release?  A:  yes.

        • We can do that

    • From the test release, can then work on updating experiment branches

    • Will need to trigger stand-alone CI test once we have the test release



Chris Green:  cetmodules 2:  implications for UPS to Spack migration

  • Have deferred some things for a later presentation, so this is the first of several presentations to cover this

  • Recap:

    • See presentations from 9/21

    • Purpose: Developing long term replacement for build system based on ups

  • cetmodules 2 vs cetbuildtools 8

    • cetbuildtools 8 is a wrapper around cetmodules 2 with increased compatibility and fewer deprecation warnings

    • If all one did was change "cetbuildtools" to cetmodules" in CMakeList.txt, likely it would work

    • But now have power and flexibility to

      • improve build times, avoid unnecessary transitive dependencies

      • reduce lib size and memory footpring

      • improve code correctness and safty by elim ODR  (one-definition-rule) violations caused by use of plugin services and tools

      • eliminate need to use include_directives()...

      • eliminate need to use find_package() or find_ups_product() for transitive-only deps

      • elim need to use find_library(), find_file() or find_program() for non-CMake external deps

      • deal trivially w header-only deps

      • elim need to use cetbuildtools or cetmodules in dep packages

      • elim need to generate and use "product_deps" files

  • Could do this w/o using cetbuildtools or cetmodules, but:

    • would involve wiring a lot of cmake infra, or hand-rolling cmake config files for every packages, and keeping track of transitive deps manually

    • write a lot more cmake code in each package

    • doing a lot of work that's already been done for you

  • Value added

    • Auto generation of CMake config files including [See slides to avoid possible errors in this list!]

      • find_dependency() calls for transitive edeps

      • useful variable definitions, inclding cetbuiltdtool_compat (<project>_OLD_STYLE_CONFIG_VARS)

      • CMAKE_MODULE_PATH additions to find cmake modules

      • scoped target defintions

    • All the accounting... [missed...]

    • mechanisms to enable developer to provide the info

      • overrides for CMake function:  include(*), find_package()

      • functions combining multiple CMake features:  cet_make_library(), cet_test(), basic_plugin()

    • A path from UPS-dep building and packaging to an agnostic system suitable for...

  • New concepts:  dependency types

    • direct

      • shared lib x1 from X needs shared lib Y 1 from package Y

    • indirect transitive dep: 

      • lib W1 from W needs lib X1 f, but needs to know where Y1 is so X1's deps can be satisfied

    • Direct transitive

      • S1 from W users header from X, which defines and inlined function requiring symbols defined in lib Z1

  • New concepts:  targets vs variables

    • vars:  one name , one value

    • targets:  one name, many propertyes

      • art::Framework_services_optional_RandomNumberGeneratorSErvice:

        • shared

        • imported

        • interfac_including_direcdtoreis "{${_IMPORT_PREFIX}/include"

        • interface_link_libbraries

        • imported_location_relwithdebinfo

  • Library types

    • STATIC :  libXXX.a

      • concrete file, existins in filesystem

      • code defining required symbols extracted from .a and included in dep library or exe

    • SHARED:

      • concrete file

      • code defines required symbols loaded from .so at runtime

    • INTERFACE library

      • conveys header--propagated transitive deps (direct transitive)

      • No library, no file

        • just properties defined

        • add_library(art_plugin_support::toolMaker INTERFACE IMPORTED)

        • set_target_properties(art_plugin_support::toolMaker PROPERTIES INTERFACE_INCLUDE_DIRECTORIES "$..." INTERFACE_LINK_LIBRARIES "...." INTERFACE_SOURCES "..."

      • So no secret / magic info you need to know

    • MODULE:,

      • concreate file

      • cannot be lined to:  usable only via dlopen()

      • ideal for plugins registration code

    • OBJECT :  mypkg::XX_objects --> ethel.o, bill.o...

      •    virtual, CMake-only concept

      • list of object files:: compile once

  • Plugin implementaion and registration libraries

    • currently, registration code and implementaion code are always in the same lib

    • problematic for plugins with user-visible interface:  services, tools

      • c-linkage --> ODR violations

      • memory bloated with code that may never be needed

    • Solution:  put implementation, registration code in sep libs

    • Example: 


        • SHARED, linkable

        • art::Framework...


        • MODULE, not linkable-- no exported target for deps

        • RandomNumber...

  • How do I use this?

    • Understand the code you're writing

      • What is it providing

      • What is required to use it

      • What types of dependency does it have and/or confer to users

    • New keywords to help:  find_package()

      • PUBLIC dependents will also need to know where this package is

      • PRIVATE:  Needed only by us. Eg, macros, build-only, test deps, data,...

    • Use targets in lib link lists, not lib file names aor variables

      • header locations, transitive deps, ...

    • New keywords for library link lists

      • INTERFACE:  you don't need this lib, but users will

      • PUBLIC:  needed to link this library, and also needed directly by deps

      • PRIVATE:  needed only to link this library

  • New keywords for cet_make_library()

  • Move away from GLOBbed lists

    • eg, relying on build system to find all source files because they have a particular name or live in a particular place. That only works by re-running cmake

    • Prevents rebuilds, hysteresis

  • Documentation will be coming

  • Changes will be adiabatic

    • Will not lose ability to generate ups packages if needed until finally ready to switch everything over

    • So can continue to change CMakeList.txt to work with spack without losing ability to use ups packages



  • Lynn:  tools to help w dependencies you will need in a link list?

    • generally grep. You need to know your code, and what includes end up in headers vs those you have only in source

    • Kyle used something? lvm_use? [??] Hope we can make that available. But for now, need to look at code and pare things down and make things public or interface, etc.

  • Herb:  getting rid of product_deps?

    • It will no longer be the primary place where you put info where it currently lives

    • Lynn:  don't see that in converted packages

    • Not yet. But in cetbuildtools 8, will notice a lot of -D definitions during cmake phase. That is all the info from product_deps encoded for cmake.

      • A relatively recent feature in cmake called "presets". Just files you can tell cmake to work from that contain all these settings, things you never need to change because they are features of the package. Eg, this is where fcl, gdlm files installed, my incluldes are here, etc.

      • All these can now be put into CMakeLists.txt files, and don't need to be anywhere else. Things that can be in presets...

    • In future, package will ship with small number of these preset files that someone building will put on their cmake command line, so will only be a few characters long, and it will build correctly.

    • So will have a single point of maintenance for own package config that is not product_deps

    • Herb:  but if building a ups package?

      • Do need it right now, and currently smooths the transition to spack, but creating and using ups packages will still be possible without the product_deps

      • Marc Mengel has provided ways for ups to use spack-gen packages by creating approp table files. Similarly, can use ups packages inside spack-generated package

      • But the entire point here is to retire ups, and move to new ways of doing things

      • We're providing a smooth transition path

  • Kyle:

    • regarding product_deps, look at the ones in LArSoft that are used w cetbuildtools 8. The biggest changes there are that the product name and version have migrated entirely to CMakeLists.txt files. Those types of changes are examples of how the migration to ups to something that can support spack will happen.

    • find_ups_xxx:   want to move away from that. Replaced by "find_package()"

      • If still need  uppercase var  names, then can set a var that will generate that for you in addition to package names. But want to move away from that asap

  • Herb:  dependency types. Did not mention runtime deps

    • Correct. But in runtime dep, can come from find_package().

    • Described how this works (didn't follow).

  • Giuseppe:  while playing around w spack independently, sometimes have issues, maybe due to limited knowledge of cmake. But we could also be using tools on top of cmake, possibly without being aware. So in preparing docs, make it clear what is standard cmake vs the tools on top.

    • Agree. Will do this

    • Patrick:  have issue with larevt currently because migration did not have services in subpackage...

    • GC:  a more generic comment

  • Erica:  migration script. What will it do

    • Will extract things from product_deps and put it into CMakeLIsts.txt form

    • Will move from ups_find_product to find_packages.

    • Will move from variables to targets, up to a point

    • Will do what is necessary to point out things that should change yourself by putting recommendation comments on the end of lines. Will do this for changes that are too complicated to change by script

    • Lynn:   have been using migration script with nutools. Left a ton of work to do.

    • Certainly the case that there are many things that are a feature of, or implied by prev use of ups and environment variables everywhere that will magically be available in the new environment. But this is not the case. Some things will just not be in the spack world.

      • This is why cetbuildtols 8 exists, to allow an easer, more protracted change without losing ability to make and use ups packages

      • This is why is has taken so long


  • Erica:  State of documentation?  At least a month away.



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