ProtoDUNE-ND Electronics and Readout

Zoom 6308408415

Zoom 6308408415

Ting Miao (FNAL)
    • 1
      2x2-Minerva electronics installation:AC power,ORC,network and DAQ etc.
      Speakers: Faiza Akbar (University of Rochester), Geoffrey Savage (Fermilab), Howard Budd (Rochester), Linda Bagby (Fermilab), Stephen Hahn (FNAL)
    • 2
      Rack builds for 2x2 and LV DC options
      Speaker: Jeremy Wolcott (Tufts University)
    • 3
      VME crates for ADC and VGA/DAC modules
      Speakers: Alexandr Selyunn (JINR), Linda Bagby (Fermilab), Stephen Hahn (FNAL)