Please read these instructions before posting any event on Fermilab Indico

Indico will be unavailable on Wed., Dec 18th from 7 - 7:30am due to server maintenance.

16–21 Apr 2012
US/Central timezone
Slides available on Indico -- there are no formal proceedings

Instructions for Speakers

Instructions for SUSY11 Speakers:

1) Please consult the speaker index and timetable to find the time and place of your session.

2) If you have not already registered for SUSY11, you will need to do so during the conference. If you want to attend the spectacular conference dinner on Weds in Chicago, you should purchase a banquet ticket immediately upon arrival, as we have limited seating.

3) All rooms will have a standard LCD projector and laser pointer, and talks will be run from a common laptop using Indico. You must upload your slides to Indico (pdf preferred) ** before** your session.

4) If you do not already have a Fermilab Indico account, go to   click on the Login tab, and create a new account.
You should also check that you have upload permission in your actual session. Let us know if this is not the case so we can correct the permissions. Obviously it would be better not to discover this 3 minutes before your session starts.
Instructions on Indico uploads are a separate link on this website.

5) Session chairs will strictly enforce time limits on talks. The standard parallel talk is 20 minutes, with question time coming only from a small amount of padding in the session schedule.

6) Please enjoy SUSY11 and the Chicago area!