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CalVision general meeting


For some strange reason, fnal does not  allowed us to put the zoom link on fnal indigo.  So please go to the Calvision Mattermost channel  to find the link.

Minutes of the 13 July 22 Calvision meeting

Attendance: Belloni, Qian, Tully, Anderson, Kunori, Ledovsky, Hakala, Wenzel, J. Zhu, Hiroksy, Cummings, W. Chung, R-Y Zhu, Y. Lai, Nallapareddy, Newman, Edberg,  Sonakshi, Jung


  • Bureaucracy (Sarah Eno)
    • We agreed to try the FNAL indigo/web page for a few weeks to understand if we can make it useable.  It would be better to base it at a US lab.  However, if it cannot be done, we will move to CERN
    • For the web page, Sarah will put some public information on it and then link it to a CERN-based twiki for collaboration work.  The public information will be the list of collaborators and talks/publications.
    • We agreed to hold a meeting a month, second Wednesday at 10 AM eastern
    • We agreed that the August meeting each funded institution for year 1 will put a list of their deliverables and go over them. (Michigan, Texas Tech, Caltech, UVA, Princeton).  This may be single crystals (all, lead by UVA and Mich), particle flow (Princeton), scintillating glass (caltech), advanced electronics (Texas tech with fnal and maybe Princeton)
    • We agreed that collaborators should notify the collaboration in advance when publishing work based on this funding as a courtesy.
    • Sarah will work with FNAL to try to setup a listserve at FNAL for the collaboration (or if that is too hard at CERN)
    • To see the list of channels in the mattermost, go to the + sign next to the CALVISION word on the upper left, click on it, and choose “browser channels”
    • Sarah will reach out again to Argonne to see if we can facilitate their involvement
    • Sarah will buy a nice bottle of wine for anybody who can design us a nice logo.
    • Sarah will organizing a meeting maybe in September about looking for other funding opportunities, maybe with Helmut
  • Snowmass talk (Sarah Eno)
    • Tully suggested to add that work needs to be done to develop more extensive physics benchmarks to ensure we get the detector we need to do all the potential physics.  We can start a list on the CERN twiki.
  • Single Crystal plans (Bob Hirosky, Junjie Zhu)
    • Wenzel will organize a tutorial on his crystal simulation package “cats”
    • Hirosky will work with his students to try the cats package
    • Wenzel will work with HIrosky to figure out the best way to make the cats package very easy to install and get running
    • Sarah will contact Ettienne to see if we can get from her the crystals that are not scintillators for our tests, cc’ing Tully
    • Junjie/Jianming will do a hand-calculation for their Na-22 rate
    • Hirosky will talk to Junjie/Jianming about simulating their geometry (we should chat in the mattermost about what our first test should be really…)
    • Hirosky will do a hand calculation about whether saturation is an issue for our tests in year 1 and 2
    • Junjie will get cost/schedule estimate for having the gas-tube cosmic ray stand usable
    • Sarah will see if she has some of the Minerva scintillating rods to provide to Junjie and little PMTs.  If not, she’ll contact Anna Pla-Dalmau at FNAL to see if there are some left.

Next meeting is 10 August 10 AM Eastern time indico


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