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SSRs all partners coordination meeting

Donato Passarelli (Fermilab), Paolo Berrutti (Fermilab)

Dear BARC/IJCLAB/FNAL colleagues,

You are invited to participate to the SSRs coordination meeting


- FNAL status/updates on cavities, tuners, couplers, solenoids and cryomodules (15 min)

- SSR2 cavity status/updates [Mattia/Donato]

- Update on SSR2 solenoid [Melanie/Donato]

- Update on SSRs coupler [Donato/Nikolay]

- SSR2 CM updates [Mattia/Donato]

- BARC status/updates on SSRs activities [Srinivas et al.] (15 min)

- IJCLAB status/updates on SSRs activities [David et al.] (15min)

- Any other business [All participants] (15 min)

Join Teams Meeting, please see email for connection details.


    • 08:00 08:15
      - FNAL SSRs status/updates on cavities, tuners, couplers, solenoids and cryomodules 15m

      Monthly status and udates from FNAL

      Speakers: Donato Passarelli (Fermilab), Mattia Parise (Fermilab), Melanie Turenne, Paolo Berrutti (Fermilab)
    • 08:15 08:30
      - BARC status/updates on SSRs activities [Srinivas/Vinay/Rajesh/Mentes] 15m
      Monthly status and udates from BARC
      Speakers: Mentes Jose (BARC), Dr Rajesh Kumar (BARC), Dr Srinivas Krishnagopal (BARC), Mr Vinay Mishra (BARC)
    • 08:30 08:45
      - IJCLAB status/updates on SSR2 activities [David] 15m
      Monthly status and updates by IJCLAB
      Speaker: Dr david longuevergne (CNRS/IN2P3 - IJCLab)
    • 08:45 09:00
      - AOB [All] 15m