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Tianlai Analysis Teleconference

Peter Timbie (UW-Madison), Peter Timbie


1. WIYN/Hydra planning - any updates? - not at this time

2. Catalog updates - Olivier - see attached slides about matching objects in 2MASS and WISE catalogs (that have either photometric or spectroscopic redshifts) with WIYN catalog.  Albert - Objects that don't match could tell us about extinction:   IR is less attenuated than visible.  Could compare with Finkbeiner/Schlegel extinction maps.

3. Prepare for a discussion next week of goals for the coming year.   PT will send an early reminder of next week's call with a request for people to come up with short descriptions of projects/goals.

4. Other topics for future:  ground pickup paper (Albert);  catalog paper (Albert);  bug editors about cross-talk paper (PT)

Greg has a teaching conflict with this meeting time.  PT will check with him about possible times, consider releasing a poll.  Albert is likely away next week.


There are minutes attached to this event. Show them.
    • 07:30 07:31
      Minutes for last meeting (January 17) are posted 1m
    • 07:31 07:51
      Comparison of WIYN/Hydra Spectroscopic Survey with 2MASS and WISE 20m
      Speaker: Olivier Perdereau (LAL, CNRS/IN2P3)
    • 07:55 08:15
      Prepare for discussion next week of plans for the coming year 20m