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24–28 Apr 2023
America/Chicago timezone
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opi-generator - Generate OPI Screens for Control System Studio

26 Apr 2023, 16:00
Ramsey Auditorium (Wilson Hall) (Fermilab)

Ramsey Auditorium (Wilson Hall)


5-minute lightning talk CS Studio/Phoebus Plenary Session: Lightning Talks


Tong Zhang (FRIB)


Control System Studio (CS-Studio) is currently in the process of transitioning from Eclipse RCP to the next UI framework called Phoebus. To ease the transition of OPI (Operator Interface) screens developed for Eclipse-based CS-Studio to Phoebus, the "opi-generator" package provides a solution that generates properly formatted XML files for both CS-Studio and Phoebus from the same Python script. "opi-generator" is designed with a mechanism that can handle the differences in XML formats supported by the two platforms, and it also offers customizable support for unified screen style configurations.

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