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24–28 Apr 2023
America/Chicago timezone
REGISTRATION IS NOW CLOSED: Zoom Links will be Emailed to Registered Participants shortly before Meetings Commence

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26 Apr 2023, 16:06
Ramsey Auditorium (Wilson Hall) (Fermilab)

Ramsey Auditorium (Wilson Hall)


5-minute lightning talk User Interfaces and Tools Plenary Session: Lightning Talks


Klemen Vodopivec (control system & data acquisition software engineer)


RegMap is a tool used at Spallation Neutron Source to assist PLC developers with creating and testing EPICS integration with ease. PLC tags are described as a single line in Excel or CSV spreadsheet with user friendly fields. The RegMap tool converts saved spreadsheet into an EPICS database file and an OPI screen file, and allows for quick development cycle of register based devices without extensive EPICS experience.

Please select if talk will be in person or on zoom In person

Primary authors

Brad Webb (ORNL) Klemen Vodopivec (control system & data acquisition software engineer)

Presentation materials