Apr 24 – 28, 2023
America/Chicago timezone
REGISTRATION IS NOW CLOSED: Zoom Links will be Emailed to Registered Participants shortly before Meetings Commence

Exploring Browser Frameworks: A Comparative Analysis and Deployment Demo

Not scheduled
Curia II WH-2SW (Wilson Hall) (Fermilab)

Curia II WH-2SW (Wilson Hall)


workshop presentation User Interfaces and Tools Workshop: User Interface


Beau Harrison (AD Controls)


This workshop will guide participants in selecting a browser-based application framework by discussing Fermilab's ACORN project, providing an overview of development tools, comparing browser frameworks, discussing open-source adoption, and examining development and deployment pipelines. Attendees will gain a clear understanding of browser application frameworks and how to tailor a development process that aligns with their specific needs. The presentation will run for one hour, with 30 minutes for open discussion and Q&A.

Please select if talk will be in person or on zoom In person

Primary authors

Presentation materials