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24–28 Apr 2023
America/Chicago timezone
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Improving security in RTEMS and EPICS IOC applications

27 Apr 2023, 09:50
Ramsey Auditorium (Wilson Hall) (Fermilab)

Ramsey Auditorium (Wilson Hall)


20-minute talk Cybersecurity Plenary Session


Vijay Banerjee (University of Colorado Colorado Springs) Uchenna Ezeobi (University of Colorado Colorado Springs)


Cybersecurity is a rising concern in real-time and industrial control systems due to increased security threats toward these systems. In this talk, we discuss our ongoing efforts in security testing through modularization and fuzzing of the software stacks to detect vulnerabilities in different components. We have previously worked on modularizing the network stack of RTEMS into linkable static libraries. Our current efforts revolve around fuzzing using techniques such as model inference and machine learning to learn the state machine model of ICS protocol implementations to fuzz deeper states for stateful ICS protocol implementations (channel access, EPICS pvxs, etc.). We also discuss some ideas for our future work on improving the security posture of RTEMS-EPICS integration.

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Primary author

Vijay Banerjee (University of Colorado Colorado Springs)


Uchenna Ezeobi (University of Colorado Colorado Springs)

Presentation materials