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24–28 Apr 2023
America/Chicago timezone
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NSLS-II zDFE and zDFE+ Common Platform

Not scheduled


workshop presentation


Joseph Mead (Brookhaven National Lab)


The National Synchrotron Light Source II (NSLS-II) is a third generation light source has been operating for almost 10 years. The Diagnostics group is responsible for providing numerous systems for monitoring key aspects of the accelerator complex with the Beam Position Monitor Electronics (BPM) being its largest system. The in-house designed BPM electronics includes two boards: An analog front-end (AFE) and a digital front-end (DFE), both housed in a 1U chassis. The DFE board design lends itself well for use as a common hardware platform because of its multitude of connection options, plenty of I/O capability, large FPGA and DDR memory. I will describe the updated Zynq based DFE (zDFE) and new Zynq UltraScale+ (zuDFE) platforms and how they are finding applications ranging not only for BPM’s, but also for detector subsystems and beam line controls.

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Primary author

Joseph Mead (Brookhaven National Lab)

Presentation materials

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