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Oct 18 – 20, 2012
US/Central timezone

Child Care

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Child Care for USLUO Annual Meeting  18-20 October, 2012

The Fermilab Children's Center accepts the children of short-term visitors on a first come, first served basis Monday through Friday. If you are interested, call Patti Hedrick or Mary S. at 630-840-3762 or email at . You will be accommodated as space allows. A valid Fermi ID is required, along with a health form for your child(ren) filled out by their physician.

Enrollment forms for the Children's Center are available here. Parents can fill those out and bring them when they come.

For those who are not FNAL Users, and for Saturday October 20, babysitting is being investigated.  If interested, please contact xxxxxxx.


The US LHC Users Organization recognizes the importance of child care and other family issues related to travel for the HEP community.
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