Tianlai Analysis Teleconference

Peter Timbie, Peter Timbie (UW-Madison)



1) Review notes from last week.   Some clarification questions asked about Olivier's presentation from Feb 14.

2) Observing plans for 2023.  Jixia suggests observing for ~ 1 week at a time, daily observations of sky calibration sources, spread over a few months.  (Not too long, or the nighttime observations won't overlap well.)

3) Analysis of NCP Oct 2017 data from TDA.  These are constant dec observations at dec of Cas A.  See Reza's attached slides.   Day-to-day variations in time (~ 30 secs) of the peak transit, consistent with stability of dishes in RA (wind effects?).  Data copied to IRODs from Tianlai 01 by Albert. This seems to be the only data set with repeated transits, so is the best data for studying calibration stability over time.  (There's also data of repeated sun transits.)

4) Albert notes that DESI has made some observations at Decs that *might* be suitable for overlap.  Most near Dec 0, which is not so good for us.  DESI has advantage over BOSS of being deeper.

There are minutes attached to this event. Show them.
    • 1
      Minutes for last meeting (February 14) are posted
    • 2
      Observing plans for 2023
      Speakers: Dr Fengquan Wu (NAOC), Dr Jixia Li (NAOC)
    • 3
      Source transit fit (preliminary)
      Speaker: Reza Ansari (Univ. Paris Sud & LAL, CNRS/IN2P3)
    • 4
      Other topics?