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11–14 Jul 2023
Fermilab Wilson Hall
America/Chicago timezone

Since 2014, the CMS Collaboration has pioneered the release of LHC research quality data for public use by making a significant amount of these data accessible through the CERN Open Data portal. At the end of 2021, the CMS Collaboration released the first batch of its Run 2 data. This workshop is a fourth of a series that started in 2020 and it aims to bridge the technical gap that usually exists between the scientific creativity of an external analyst and the nuts-and-bolts details of a full analysis with CMS open data. All exercises will be hands-on and participants should be prepared to dive into the data right away. A set of pre-exercises and assignments are provided and required for participants so that they can make the most of the workshop. Time will also be spent brainstorming with attendees about how the entire process of accessing and analyzing the data could be made more useful for the broader HEP community.

Please note that the deadline for registration for in-person participants is Monday June 12, 2023, and the registration will automatically initiate business visitor access requests for participants who are not Fermilab users/affiliates or employees. Make sure you monitor the email address associated with your registration for time-sensitive instructions.

Pre-exercises are now available! Visit the workshop tutorial site to complete the pre-exercises. This will ensure you have the software environment and background knowledge necessary to participate in the hands-on activities.

For in-person participants, a $50 registration fee will cover the coffee breaks. Information about access to the Fermilab site and lodging near Fermilab can be found in the menu. 

Zoom link: Attached below under "Materials". It is accessible to registered attendees only. 

Organizing Committee:

Matt Bellis (Siena College)
Edgar Carrera Jarrin (San Francisco de Quito U.)
Julie Hogan (Bethel University)
Clemens Lange (Paul Scherrer Institute)
Kati Lassila-Perini (Helsinki Institute of Physics)
Thomas McCauley (University of Notre Dame)
Sezen Sekmen (Kyungpook National University)

Local Organizing Committee:

Raghav Kansal (UC San Diego)
Michael Krohn (University of Minnesota)

LPC Events Committee:

Gabriele Benelli (Brown University, Co-Chair)
Irene Zoi (Fermilab)

LPC Coordinators:

Kevin Black (UW Madison)
Bo Jayatilaka (Fermilab)