A new secondary beamline was recently installed in the MeV Test Area (MTA) with the objective of enhancing mu+/mu- production by factors of 3/8 by using a tungsten target versus the conventional graphite production target using the 400 MeV Fermilab proton Linac beam. Ultra-low energy muon beams can support world-class physics experiments for fundamental muon measurements, sensitive searches for symmetry violation, and precision tests of theory. Extensive production studies have confirmed higher muon yield from heavy targets (tungsten vs carbon), but also, surprisingly, showed significant differences in production fluence and energy spectrum between modern hadronic models (GENIEhad) and between GEANT and MCNP. Studies are underway towards a high-efficiency source of muonium by stopping the mu+ beam in superfluid helium. Muon fluxes can be measured at MTA including using higher-Z and novel target geometries to test and refine hadronic and production models which are critical to understanding ongoing experiments (Mu2e) and will significantly impact the planning of future HEP experiments and planning PIP II facilities. The MTA beamline will additionally support a broad user muon test beam for future experiments and R&D.