27–30 Jun 2023
Ramsey Auditorium
America/Chicago timezone

Travel Support

The Fermilab Users Executive Committee (UEC) is pleased to announce that the Universities Research Association (URA) is sponsoring travel grants for eligible early career scientists to attend the 2023 New Perspectives and 56th Annual Users Meeting conferences.

Awards will be granted to students and postdocs affiliated with URA institutions and can support eligible travel expenses associated with New Perspectives/Users Meeting. Preference is given to participants presenting a talk at New Perspectives or a poster at the Users Meeting.

Please, feel free to contact bbehera@fnal.gov, andreas.werner.jung@cern.ch and/or smidd@caltech.edu with any questions or concerns.

To apply for support please fill in the Travel support form. For additional information regarding the 56th Annual Users Meeting, please refer to

Deadline: June 12, 2023