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27–30 Jun 2023
Ramsey Auditorium
America/Chicago timezone

Simulation of Beam-induced Backgrounds for the Cool Copper Collider

Not scheduled
Ramsey Auditorium

Ramsey Auditorium



Elias Mettner (University of Wisconsin-Madison)


Electron-positron pair production and hadron photoproduction are the most critical beam-induced backgrounds at linear electron-positron colliders. Predicting them accurately governs the design and optimization of detectors at these machines and, ultimately, their physics reach. With the proposal, adoption, and first specification of the C$^3$ collider concept, it is of primary importance to estimate these backgrounds and begin the process of tuning existing linear collider detector designs to fully exploit the parameters of the machine. A report on the status of estimating both of these backgrounds at C$^3$ using the SiD detector concept is presented with a discussion on the effects of machine parameters on preliminary detector and electronics design.

Primary authors

Elias Mettner (University of Wisconsin-Madison) Dimitris Ntounis (SLAC) Lindsey Gray (Fermilab) Caterina Vernieri (SLAC) Bryan Nee (University of Wisconsin-Madison) Abdollah Mohammadi (University of Wisconsin-Madison) Sridhara Dasu (University of Wisconsin-Madison)

Presentation materials