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14–15 Jun 2023
America/Chicago timezone

Future Muon and Muonium Physics at Fermilab

15 Jun 2023, 11:55
Wilson Hall - One West

Wilson Hall - One West


Daniel Kaplan (Illinois Institute of Technology)


Three fundamental searches or measurements can be made with muonium (M), a hydrogenic $\mu^+ e^-$ bound state: the search for charged-lepton flavor violation via M-$\overline{\mathrm{M}}$ oscillations, the M atomic spectrum, and the gravitational acceleration ($\overline{g}$) of antimatter in Earth’s field. M-$\overline{\mathrm{M}}$ transitions are allowed, but highly suppressed, via virtual neutrino mixing, and would yield a striking experimental signature; their observation would signal new doubly charged-lepton-flavor-violating physics coupling to 2nd-generation elementary particles. The M atomic spectrum is a precision test of QED, free of hadronic and finite-size effects. $\overline{g}$ has yet to be directly measured; measuring it with muonium is the only way to test the gravitational coupling of 2nd-generation particles. An unexpected outcome could change our understanding of gravity, the universe, and the existence of a fifth force. The PIP-II linac will be capable of producing unprecedented muon beam intensities to support a world-class, variable energy muon user facility at Fermilab, which would be the only one located in the US. R&D towards this future can start in the MTA/ITA facility at the existing 400 MeV Linac, which may be competitive for this physics with PSI. Other low-energy-muon applications can also be studied, including muon spin rotation as applied to superconducting RF resonators for QIS.

Primary authors

Anna Mazzacane (Fermilab) Carol Johnstone (Fermilab) Christopher Izzo (Fermilab) Corrado Gatto (INFN and Northern Illinois University) Daniel Kaplan (Illinois Institute of Technology) Prof. Ben McMorran (University of Oregon) Dr Derrick Mancini (Illinois Institute of Technology) James Miller (Boston University) Dr James Phillips (Illinois Institute of Technology) Jeff Terry (Illinois Institute of Technology) Kevin Lynch (Fermilab) Dr Robert Reasenberg (UCSD) Simon Corrodi Thomas Phillips (Illinois Institute of Technology) Dr Thomas Roberts (Illinois Institute of Technology)

Presentation materials